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Pages: 1
I just discovered an interesting software, netsend ( It performs very optimized network file transfers with a lot of options. I created a PKGBUILD and uploaded it ( so you can test it with yaourt -S netsend-git.
Hope you'll enjoy it.
Thanks for the contribution! Just to let you know also, there is a section on the forums for PKGBUILDs. It looks OK, but maybe you should adapt it to git fetch the latest source if the dir exists. You can look at /usr/share/pacman/PKGBUILD-git.proto, and you can just copy the download section.
Also add makedepends=(git)
Last edited by Daenyth (2008-09-03 20:09:55)
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
Ok, I added the git dep, used the template, and sent the new PKGBUILD on aur.
I'll think to the PKGBUILD section the next time
Pages: 1