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#1 2008-09-04 21:53:03

Registered: 2007-09-15
Posts: 466

Devanagari in urxvt and keyboard layout...

I just started taking Hindi this semester, and I was wondering how to get urxvt to work with the Devanagari script. I know the man page specifically mentions that it doesn't support all the complex combining rules, but it should still work a little bit, right? I can't get anything to display except squares.

Also, what is the keyboard layout or variant for this script? Does anyone know how I could switch layouts on-the-fly with a keyboard shortcut or something (for instance, xbindkeys)?

Thanks in advance. Hopefully somebody can help; I realize this is a little bit esoteric.

! ~/.Xdefaults - settings for terminals and X programs

Xcursor.theme:          Vanilla-DMZ

! Color Codes
*background:            #000000
*foreground:            #ffffff
! Black
*color0:                #2e3436
*color8:                #555753
! Red
*color1:                #cc0000
*color9:                #ef2929
! Green
*color2:                #4e9a06
*color10:               #8ae234
! Yellow
*color3:                #c4a000
*color11:               #fce94f
! Blue
*color4:                #3465a4
*color12:               #729fcf
! Purple
*color5:                #75507b
*color13:               #ad7fa8
! Cyan
*color6:                #06989a
*color14:               #34e2e2
! White
*color7:                #d3d7cf
*color15:               #eeeeec

! rxvt-unicode settings
URxvt*font:             xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:pixelsize=14
URxvt*iconName:         Terminal
URxvt*perl-ext:         matcher
URxvt*saveLines:        10000
URxvt*scrollBar:        false
URxvt*scrollTtyOutput:  false
URxvt*termName:         rxvt
URxvt*title:            Terminal
URxvt*urlLauncher:      firefox
! Optional transparency settings
urxvtTrans*depth:       32
urxvtTrans*background:  rgba:0000/0000/0000/dddd
urxvtTrans*tintColor:   grey

! XTerm settings
XTerm*dynamicColors:    true
XTerm*faceName:         Monospace:pixelsize=14
XTerm*iconName:         Terminal
XTerm*saveLines:        10000
XTerm*scrollKey:        true
XTerm*scrollTtyOutput:  false


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