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Thoht wrote:I'm messing around with /etc/issue, but can't make it display colours. I tried both this:
I have a feeling that you're typing '^[' by hand. It's not those two characters, it's a special non-printing character. You can get it by doing ctrl+V, ctrl+[
I have absolutely no idea what that means, but now it works, thanks!
Credit to KiwiesRuleXD @ DeviantArt for the avatar.
Hey... is it possible to edit the login prompt too? E.g. instead of "hostname login: ", "Username: ".
Credit to KiwiesRuleXD @ DeviantArt for the avatar.
Hi guys, sorry 4 rise this post, but I wonder if you know a way to refresh the issue file, every some time (may be 2 o 3 secconds) to show useful state, like users, CPUs, uptimes, conntracks (case routers), etc etc etc.-
I'm at least 65% sure that you can't
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
I found it..... sorry for disappoint you Daenyth just add -t n (n secconds) just before aggety respawn in inittab..
c0:2345:respawn:/sbin/agetty -8 -t 5 9600 ttyS0 linux
(I'm using serial connections thats is the 9600 ttyS0)
The rest is make a script who rewrite the issue file in /etc/rc.local
Nice! I will use that also. Good find.
[git] | [AURpkgs] | [arch-games]
I got another problem..... I get the "respawn to fast: disabled for 5 minutes" message ... this is not good
I'll RTFM for disable THIS security issue
Last edited by CarLost (2008-09-15 20:16:27)
Since dav7's one seems to end up not showing what I see all over the place, I'm using the smaller one from baverage (Uh, could misspell the nick :s)
Anyhow, thanks both of you
My coding blog (or an attempt at it)
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I decided to do my own version of this, not as informative, but a very nice motd imo.
Last edited by rson451 (2008-09-17 01:59:56)
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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Daenyth wrote:Thoht wrote:I'm messing around with /etc/issue, but can't make it display colours. I tried both this:
I have a feeling that you're typing '^[' by hand. It's not those two characters, it's a special non-printing character. You can get it by doing ctrl+V, ctrl+[
I have absolutely no idea what that means, but now it works, thanks!
Open nano, and in the editor first press CTRL+V then press CTRL+[. A "^[" will appear - this is your escape character. Duplicating escape sequences is one of the harder things you can transmit over the web, since the escape itself evaluates to character code 27, which is 4 characters below the start of the printable ASCII character code map which starts at character 31. This is the reason I used a bash script that uses "echo -e" with "\e" in the string at the appropriate points - which translates to character 27 - to re-insert the escapes where they're supposed to be.
Hey... is it possible to edit the login prompt too? E.g. instead of "hostname login: ", "Username: ".
I did some investigation into this, but I think you'll need to edit the sourcecode of something. Thing is, I'm not exactly sure *what*. After poking around using the 'strace' utility (something every curious person should have installed, run 'strace somebinary' to run something and trace it or 'strace -p PID' to latch onto something already running and trace it then see floods of info on what files the target binary/PID opens, file-based sockets it communicates over, and similar info). I concluded that *something* - very likely PAM - is fishing the correct string out of a locale file OR somewhere within itself, since my locale is en_US (I see no reason to make it en_AU ).
Last edited by dav7 (2008-09-17 00:25:09)
Windows was made for looking at success from a distance through a wall of oversimplicity. Linux removes the wall, so you can just walk up to success and make it your own.
Reinventing the wheel is fun. You get to redefine pi.
Wow, this is awesome
Thanks again for all the replies everyone...
Windows was made for looking at success from a distance through a wall of oversimplicity. Linux removes the wall, so you can just walk up to success and make it your own.
Reinventing the wheel is fun. You get to redefine pi.
Could you post your issue? I like the look of it.
It's not an issue, it's an motd. It could be used as an issue though, just won't have the fancy info that the other one in the thread has.
^[[1;36m,^[[1;36m _ _ _
^[[1;36m/#\^[[1;36m __ _ _ __ ___| |__ | (_)_ __ _ ___ __
^[[1;36m,###\^[[1;36m / _` | '__/ __| '_ \| | | '_ \| | | \ \/ /
^[[1;36m/#####\^[[1;36m | (_| | | | (__| | | | | | | | | |_| |> <
^[[1;36m/##^[[0;36m,-,##\^[[1;36m \__,_|_| \___|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|\__,_/_/\_\
^[[0;36m/##( )##`
^[[0;36m/#.-- --.#\^[[1;37m A simple, lightweight linux distribution.
^[[0;36m/` `\^[[0m
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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My current /etc/issue looks like:
Sorry for poor image quality.
Not as fancy as the above but may appeal to some. Would probably look better on your machine if you were to edit the colour scheme - my whole computer is quite orange-ey themed.
nice one, however ZOMGZOMGZOMG your computer is called the same as my desktop (and my laptop is called neuromancer)
Last edited by Phrodo_00 (2008-10-05 18:00:05)
You evidently have great taste in names
Oh, and my network SSID is the "The Sprawl"
blog - github - facebook - google profile
Is there a way to use this login screens on SSH logins?
Yes and no. You can't show the time and such but you can show an MOTD like I had above. Change your ssh config to enable a banner and point it to your banner file.
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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rson, I took yours and added the stuff from the initial post... looks nice in 1440x900
Edit: link was broken. See the code segment below
Last edited by Shapeshifter (2008-11-13 21:21:03)
rson, I took yours and added the stuff from the initial post... looks nice in 1440x900
Here's the code if anyone cares...
I would like to have that code, it looks really nice. Too bad the link is broken
huh that's odd. I nopasted /etc/issue... Anyways, here it is:
[1;36m,[1;36m _ _ _ [1;30m| [36m\s \r
[1;36m/#\\[1;36m __ _ _ __ ___| |__ | (_)_ __ _ ___ __ [30m|
[1;36m/###\\[1;36m / _` | '__/ __| '_ \\| | | '_ \\| | | \\ \\/ / [30m| [36m\t
[1;36m/#####\\[1;36m | (_| | | | (__| | | | | | | | | |_| |> < [30m| [36m\d
[1;36m/##[0;36m,-,##\\[1;36m \\__,_|_| \\___|_| |_|_|_|_| |_|\\__,_/_/\\_\\ [1;30m|
[0;36m/##( )##\\ [1;30m| [36m\U
[0;36m/#.-- --.#\\[1;37m A simple, lightweight linux distribution. [1;30m|
[0;36m/` `\\[0m [1;30m| [36m\l [36mon [1;36m\n [0m
I love how I read all of these as "Aarchlinux".
rson, could you post the motd version of yours above? I'm lazy and want to wget something 8)
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
huh that's odd. I nopasted /etc/issue... Anyways, here it is
thanks, got it working now
Cool stuff guys !