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#1 2008-09-18 00:41:55

Registered: 2008-09-18
Posts: 3

Awesome + Amazing

I can't for the life of me figure out why I can't get amazing to pipe anything into my bar (using Gigamo's .awesomerc).  The only changes I've made thus far have been to change the file directories to match mine, change the font to one that I know I have and haven't had problems with, and remove the import for the file with passwords for the gmail, etc. widgets.

screen 0
             # terminus is available from
             font = "Monospace 8" 
             fg = "#a0a0a0"
             bg = "#0a0a0a"
             border = "#0a0a0a"
             shadow = "#111111"
             shadow_offset = "1"
             fg = "#ffffff"
             bg = "#285577" 
             border = "#285577"
             bg = "#ff5656" 
             fg = "#a0a0a0"
             #bg="#8ba574" green , "#285577" blue
         border = 1
         snap = 8
         mwfact_lower_limit = 0.1
         mwfact_upper_limit = 0.9
         resize_hints = false
         new_get_focus = true 
         new_become_master = false
         floating_placement = smart
 #    ######
 #    titlebar
 #    { 
 #        position = "top" 
 #        text_align = "center" 
 #        styles 
 #        { 
 #             normal { shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
 #             focus { bg = "#285577" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
 #        }
 #        height = "12" 
 #    }
         tag t { layout = "tile" mwfact = 0.575 }
         tag w { layout = "tilebottom" mwfact = 0.625 }
         tag d { layout = "tilebottom" mwfact = 0.225 }
         tag 4 { layout = "floating" }
         tag 5 { layout = "tile" nmaster = 3 ncol = 3 }
         tag 6 { layout = "floating" }
         tag 7 { layout = "tile" nmaster = 3 ncol = 3 }
         tag 8 { layout = "floating" }
         tag 9 { layout = "tile" nmaster = 3 ncol = 3 }
         layout tile { image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/layouts/tileb.png" }
         layout tilebottom { image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/layouts/tilebottomb.png" }
         layout max { image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/layouts/tabb.png" }
         layout floating { image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/layouts/floatb.png" }
     statusbar top
         position = "top"
         height = "14"
         taglist tl
             mouse { button = "1" command = "tag_view" }
             mouse { button = "3" command = "tag_toggleview" }
         layoutinfo li
             mouse { button = "1" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "+1" }
             mouse { button = "4" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "+1" }
             mouse { button = "3" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "-1" }
             mouse { button = "5" command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "-1" }
         textbox mpd_sep { align = "left" text = " " }
         textbox mpd 
             align = "left" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
             mouse { button = "1" command = "spawn" arg = "mpc toggle" } 
         textbox vol_sep { align = "left" text = "   " }
         iconbox vol_ib { align = "left" image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/transicons/vol.png" y = "3" resize = "false" }
         textbox vol_sep2 { align = "left" text = " " }
         textbox tb_vol 
             align = "left" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
         textbox vol_sep3 { align = "left" text = " " }
         progressbar pb_vol
             data master { bg = "#0a0a0a" fg = "#aecf96" fg_center = "#aecf96" fg_end = "#ff5656" fg_off = "#494b4f" bordercolor = "#0a0a0a" }
             width = "10" height = "1" gap = 0 align = "left" vertical = "true"
             mouse { button = "4" command = "spawn" arg = "exec dvol -i 2" }
             mouse { button = "5" command = "spawn" arg = "exec dvol -d 2" }
             mouse { button = "2" command = "spawn" arg = "exec dvol -t" }
             ticks_count = "4" ticks_gap = "1"
         textbox cpu_sep { align = "right" text = " " }
         iconbox cpu_ib { align = "right" image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/transicons/cpu.png" y = "3" resize = "false" }
         textbox cpu_sep2 { align = "right" text = " " }
         textbox cpu_freq 
             align = "right" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
         graph cpugraph
             width = 60 height = "0.85"
             bg = "#494b4f" bordercolor = "#0a0a0a"
             data cpu0 { scale = true draw_style = bottom vertical_gradient = true fg = "#aecf96" fg_center = "#ff5656" fg_end = "#ff0000" }
             align = "right"
         textbox mem_sep { align = "right" text = "   " } 
         iconbox mem_ib { align = "right" image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/transicons/mem.png" y = "3" resize = "false" }
         textbox mem_sep2 { align = "right" text = " " }
         textbox tb_mem 
             align = "right" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
         textbox mem_sep3 { align = "right" text = " " }
         progressbar membar
             data mem { bg = "#0a0a0a" fg_center = "#aecf96" fg_end = "#ff0000" fg = "#aecf96" fg_off = "#494b4f" bordercolor = "#0a0a0a" }
             width = "40" height = "0.7" gap = -1 align = "right"
         textbox net_sep { align = "right" text = "   " }
         iconbox down_ib { image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/transicons/down3.png" y = "3" resize = "false" align="right" }
         textbox net_sep2 { align = "right" text = " " }
         textbox down 
             align = "right" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "0" } 
         textbox net_sep3 { align = "right" text = " " }
         iconbox up_ib { image = "/home/dustin/.awesome/transicons/up3.png" y = "3" resize = "false" align = "right" }
         textbox net_sep4 { align = "right" text = " " }
         textbox up 
             align = "right" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "0" } 
         textbox bat_sep { align = "right" text = "   " }
         textbox battery 
             align = "right" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1"} 
         textbox mailpacman_sep { align = "right" text = "   " }
         textbox mail 
             style { fg = "#ffffff" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
             mouse { button = "1" command = "spawn" arg = "firefox3" } 
             align = "right" 
         textbox mailpacman_sep2 
             align = "right" 
             text = "/" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
         textbox pacman 
             style { fg = "#ffffff" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
             align = "right" 
         textbox clock_sep { align = "right" text = "   " }
         textbox clock 
             align = "right" 
             style { fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" } 
 menu Run:  
         normal { bg = "#0a0a0a" fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" }
         focus { bg = "#285577" fg ="#ffffff" }
     y = "0"
     x = "180"
     height = "14"
 menu Manual:
         normal { bg = "#0a0a0a" fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" }
         focus { bg = "#285577" fg ="#ffffff" }
     y = "0"
     x = "180"
     height = "14"
 menu SSH:
         normal { bg = "#0a0a0a" fg = "#a0a0a0" shadow = "#111111" shadow_offset = "1" }
         focus { bg = "#285577" fg ="#ffffff" }
     y = "0"
     x = "180"
     height = "14"
     rule { name = "Gimp" tags = "6" float = "true" }
     rule { name = "Pidgin" tags = "4" float = "true" icon = "/home/dustin/.icons/Somatic-0.2/32x32/apps/gaim.png" }
     rule { name = "Thunar" master = "false" icon = "/home/dustin/.icons/Somatic-0.2/32x32/apps/file-manager.png"}
     rule { name = "Mirage" float = "true" }
     rule { name = "VLC" float = "true" titlebar { position = off } }
     rule { name = "MPlayer" titlebar { position = off } }
     rule { name = "Minefield" tags = "w" icon = "/home/dustin/.icons/Somatic-0.2/32x32/apps/firefox.png" titlebar { position = off} }
     rule { name = "urxvt" icon = "/home/dustin/.icons/Somatic-0.2/32x32/apps/gnome-monitor.png" }
     rule { name = "Tomboy" float = "true" }
     root { button = "4" command = "tag_viewnext" }
     root { button = "5" command = "tag_viewprev" }
     root { button = "3" command = "spawn" arg = "exec /home/dustin/.awesome/awesome-menu" }
     client { modkey = {"Mod1"} button = "1" command = "client_movemouse" }
     client { modkey = {"Mod1"} button = "2" command = "client_zoom" }
     client { modkey = {"Mod1"} button = "3" command = "client_resizemouse" }
     titlebar { button = "1" command = "client_movemouse" }
     titlebar { button = "3" command = "client_kill" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "Return"      command = "spawn" arg = "exec xterm" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "space"       command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "+1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "space"       command = "tag_setlayout" arg = "-1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "b"           command = "statusbar_toggle" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "j"           command = "client_focusnext" } 
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "k"           command = "client_focusprev" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "Tab"         command = "focus_history" arg = "-1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "j"           command = "client_swapnext" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "k"           command = "client_swapprev" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "j"           command = "screen_focus" arg = "+1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "k"           command = "screen_focus" arg = "-1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "h"           command = "tag_setmwfact" arg = "-0.05" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "l"           command = "tag_setmwfact" arg = "+0.05" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "h"           command = "tag_setnmaster" arg = "+1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "l"           command = "tag_setnmaster" arg = "-1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "h"           command = "tag_setncol" arg = "+1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "l"           command = "tag_setncol" arg = "-1" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "Left"        command = "tag_viewprev" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "Right"       command = "tag_viewnext" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "m"           command = "client_togglemax" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "m"           command = "client_toggleverticalmax" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "m"           command = "client_togglehorizontalmax" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod1"}             key = "s"           command = "client_togglescratch" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod1", "Control"}  key = "s"           command = "client_setscratch" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "Return"      command = "client_zoom" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "space"       command = "client_togglefloating" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod1"}             key = "k"           command = "client_kill" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod1"}             key = "c"           command = "client_kill" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "q"           command = "quit" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "r"           command = "exec" arg = "awesome" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "0"           command = "tag_view" }   
         modkey = {"Mod4"}                             
         command = "tag_view" 
         keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
         arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}  key = "0"           command = "tag_toggleview" }
         modkey = {"Mod4", "Control"}                  
         command = "tag_toggleview" 
         keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
         arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}    key = "0"           command = "client_tag" }
         modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift"}                    
         command = "client_tag" 
         keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
         arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift", "Control"} key = "0"   command = "client_toggletag" }
         modkey = {"Mod4", "Shift", "Control"}         
         command = "client_toggletag" 
         keylist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
         arglist = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 } 
     ###### Custom app launching binds
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "x"           command = "spawn" arg = "urxvtc" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "f"           command = "spawn" arg = "firefox3" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "t"           command = "spawn" arg = "thunar" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Mod1"}     key = "Space"       command = "spawn" arg = "mpc toggle" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Mod1"}     key = "Up"          command = "spawn" arg = "mpc next" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4", "Mod1"}     key = "Down"        command = "spawn" arg = "mpc prev" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "r"           command = "spawn" arg = "exec /home/dustin/.awesome/awesome-menu" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "F1"          command = "spawn" arg = "for i in /usr/share/man/man?;do ls $i; done | cut -d. -f1 | awesome-menu -e 'urxvtc -e man ' 'Manual:'" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "F2"          command = "spawn" arg = "find /usr/bin -type f -executable ! -empty | awesome-menu -e 'exec ' Run:" }
     key { modkey = {"Mod4"}             key = "F3"          command = "spawn" arg = "cut -d' ' -f1 ~/.ssh/known_hosts | cut -d, -f1 | awesome-menu -e 'urxvtc -e ssh ' 'SSH:'" 

And the amazing config:

# Gigamo <> (14/05/08)
# Configuration file for amazing (
require 'statgrab'
require 'find'

module Helpers::PangoMarkup
  def urgent(text)
    foreground("#ff5656", text)
  def normal(text)
    foreground("#888888", text)
  def white(text)
    foreground("#ffffff", text)

awesome {
  set :statusbar => "top"

  widget("battery") {
    set :interval => 10

    property("text") {
      dir = ""
      if @state == :charging
        dir = "^"
      elsif @state == :discharging
        dir = "v"
        dir = "="

      if @percentage <= 20
        urgent(" #{dir}#{@percentage.to_i}#{dir} ")
        normal(" #{dir}#{@percentage.to_i}#{dir} ")

  widget("mpd") {
    set :interval => 1

    property("text") {
      case @state
        when :playing : txt = ">>:"; show_info = true
        when :paused : txt = "||:"; show_info = true
        else show_info = false
      if show_info
        " #{txt} #@artist - #@title (#@position/#@length) "
      else # Player is stopped or connection not initialized
        " []: not playing "

  widget("gmail") {
    set :interval => 5.minutes
    set :username => "gigamo"
    set :password => GMAIL_PWD

    property("text") {
#      mailcount = 0
#      Find.find('/home/gig/.mail/default/new') do |path|
#        if not
#          mailcount += 1
#        end
#      end
#      if @count > mailcount and @count > 0
#        urgent(" #@count")
#      elsif @count < mailcount and mailcount > 0
#        urgent(" #{mailcount}")
#      else
#        normal(" 0")
#      end
      if @count > 0
        urgent(" #@count")
        normal(" 0")

  widget("pacman") {
    set :interval => 1.hours

    property("text") { 
      if @count > 0
        urgent(" #@count ")
        normal(" 0 ")

  widget("clock") {
    set :interval => 1
    set :format => " %T %d.%m.%Y "

  widget("cpu_usage") {
    set :interval => 2
    set :module => :noop

    property("text") {
      percents =
      if percents[:user] >= 50
        urgent(" %.1f%% " % percents[:user])
        white(" %.1f%% " % percents[:user])

  widget("cpu_freq") {
    set :module => :cpu_info
    set :interval => 3

    property ("text") {
      ghz = @speed[0] / 1000
      if @speed[0] >= 1000
        urgent("@ %3.2fGHz " % ghz)
        normal("@ #{@speed[0].to_i}MHz ")

Halp. sad


#2 2008-09-18 19:27:49

From: Maine, USA
Registered: 2007-04-24
Posts: 678

Re: Awesome + Amazing

Do you have the errors that awesome was giving you? I remember having a problem similar to this a long time ago, and it was something to do with pango


#3 2008-09-18 19:43:34

From: Brazil
Registered: 2007-04-06
Posts: 649

Re: Awesome + Amazing

I may be wrong, but your .awesomerc seems to be from awesome 2.3 and amazing works only with awesome 3

(lambda ())


#4 2008-09-18 20:13:01

Registered: 2008-03-20
Posts: 76

Re: Awesome + Amazing

Amazing is for Awesome2.x so that's not the problem.
It's a long shot but have you added amazing to your xintrc?


#5 2008-09-19 00:11:59

Registered: 2008-09-18
Posts: 3

Re: Awesome + Amazing

heleos wrote:

Do you have the errors that awesome was giving you? I remember having a problem similar to this a long time ago, and it was something to do with pango

It doesn't give any; it doesn't even even write to its log.

BabyDoc wrote:

Amazing is for Awesome2.x so that's not the problem.
It's a long shot but have you added amazing to your xintrc?

Yes (amazing >> ~/.amazing/logs/amazing.log 2>> ~/.amazing/logs/error.log &).


#6 2008-09-19 00:31:31

Registered: 2008-09-18
Posts: 3

Re: Awesome + Amazing

I was being stupid; this is the error its giving:

/usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/config/dsl.rb:22:in `import': (eval):4:in `require': no such file to load -- statgrab (LoadError)
    from (eval):4:in `import'
    from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/config/dsl.rb:14:in `initialize'
    from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/config.rb:15:in `new'
    from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/config.rb:15:in `load_dsl'
    from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/config.rb:9:in `initialize'
    from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/cli/helpers.rb:68:in `new'
    from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/cli/helpers.rb:68:in `parse_config'
    from /usr/local/lib/site_ruby/1.8/amazing/cli.rb:54:in `run'
    from /usr/bin/amazing:19


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