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When trying to reinstall my system via a FTP install I get this odd error when I'm about to select packages for installation. The list transforms into this:
[*] Error: ^
[*] Expected ^
[*] Error: ^
[*] Expected ^
[*] Error: ^
[*] Expected ^
[*] Error: ^
[*] Expected ^
Any ideas?
whats the output on TTY5 (penguinwithm4a1 btw )?
Last edited by Issh (2008-09-24 15:42:51)
Figured as much with that avatar.
Uhhh, it says:
error: failed to synchronize core: Transient resolver failure
error: failed retrieving file '{package}' from {server} : Transient resolver failure
It repeats that for every package db it tries to download.
go to a shell and check the output of ifconfig, also what mirror did you select?
Just did, should have thought of that earlier haha. The IP-adress does not match my other IP-adresses given out by my router.
I use the mirror.
Anyway, I'm on my laptop right now and it seems that my router didn't like my dock. Tried it without my dock and it gave out a correct IP. Thanks for the help.
Edit: Yeah, the installation works as usual now.
Last edited by Honken (2008-09-24 16:11:13)
delete /tmp/.pkgcategory or something like that and try selecting Install packages menu again.
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