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FWIW there is now a [gui] x86_64/qt-snapshot-4.5.0-2008092303-x86_64.pkg.tar.bz2 package (52Mb) which I will also keep updated on an almost daily basis (when it builds). It's built on a [testing] system, so some dependencies might be different, and does not yet include xine-lib for it's phonon component. It conflicts/replaces qt so it should just overlay either the standard extra/qt or kde-svn/qt-copy. I'm using it instead of qt-copy with kde-svn packages and, so far, I haven't noticed any problems because of a different qt. The PKGBUILD is pretty well standalone, although I'm using a mildy patched makepkg, but it should not make much difference so anyone can easily build a kde-svn compatible debug version (about 500Mb I think, too big to redistribute on a daily basis). Let me know if an i686 version would be useful to anyone. … t/PKGBUILD
@capthookb: It hs now settings for hidden icons, where are these settings... err, hiding :-) ?
@markc - put it in i686 too, please
btw on what system are you building i686 packages - testing or core?
@EvilSide: kde-svn i686 and x86_64 are both [core] based on one machine but these [gui] packages I'll build on my desktop, from now on, which is [testing] based. I'll have to install an i686 build partition so it'll take another day or 2 to do that. As far as I can tell, running [core] built kde-svn packages on a [testing] system with a [testing] built qt-snapshot works okay. I'm not sure it would work the other way around though so leaving the kde-svn packages built on a [core] based system is the safest for anyone runnnig either [core] or [testing] systems.
FWIW, I'll gradually start adding more qt-only [gui] packages based on [testing] and qt-snapshot. qgit builds okay with qt-snapshot so I will also push the non-kde-svn source packages into a Git repo at some point (hopefuly my own but if not then probably Github).
Update: don't forget to remove the dev and doc pseudo split packages as they are no longer being built -> sudo pacman -Rd qt-copy-dev qt-copy-doc kdelibs-dev kdelibs-doc kdebase-dev kdebase-doc and then reinstall the main packages -> sudo pacman -Syf qt-copy kdelibs kdebase.
Last edited by markc (2008-09-24 07:36:19)
KDE internet connection speed is too slow after the last update. Firefox works just fine, so it isn't my connection.
I wanted to ask another question to anyone that uses kde4. Do you use oxygen window decoration? I don't like it very much, but becides that when moving windows around i get high cpu usage from kwin and X. If i replace it with another decoration like qtcurve or plastik, i don't have that cpu usage and window movement is smooth and fast. Have you noticed something like that?
@capthookb - confirmed. For example I can't connect to icq/gtalk from kopete and skype gets online very slow.
Also confirmed here. I first read this using 20080922 and both konq and FF took about 3 secs to show this page. I just now updated to 20080924, rebooted, and FF took 2 seconds to show this page and konq took 30+ seconds. It's not a DNS issue because surfing to an IP takes just as long. Yes, going to Google took 20 secs and clicking on the images link took 30 secs for the page to show up and another 20 secs for the logo image to show up again. Bugger, being pre-warned, I should have stayed on 20080922 ;-)
I don't think it's related but I just noticed Qt 4.4.2 was released a week ago so I'm building a new qt-copy as I write this and it'll be available within an hour or so. The next build in another 1/2 dozen hours will be built against this newer qt-copy, if all goes well. Obviously we will be anxious to see if it fixes this network problem. If anyone hangs out on #kde-devel it might be worth mentioning.
@capthookb: you are right about the oxygen theme being a cpu hog. Simple test case, open konsole fullscreen and run top with, say, konqueror half screen size and madly drag it around... my X goes to about 30% and plasma goes up around 10%, change to cleanlooks or plastique (via SystemSettings -> Appearance -> Style) and repeat... my X then barely hits 7% and plasma is around 4%. Go back to oxygen and it's back to 30%/10%. This is without composite on an internal nVidia 8200 GPU. Surprisngly, kwin stays on 0%. Perhaps it's because oxygen is svg based and falls back to svgs if the pre-rendered pngs are not available. Just a wild guess.
Update: qt-copy-4.4.2 is uploaded. I also tidied up the any/ folder and removed old stuff and all softlinks, and also some really old kde and kdesvn softlinks so if anyone suddenly can't get any updates then check your /etc/pacman.conf file and make sure anything to do with this repo is called kde-svn (including the hyphen).
Last edited by markc (2008-09-24 12:47:12)
@markc with the qt-copy-4.4.2-2008092410 issue still exists. Or you are building new?
Last edited by EvilSide (2008-09-24 12:49:59)
@EvilSide: I doubt if qt-copy 4.4.2 would have anything to do with this networking slowdown, even with the next update built against it I doubt if it's a Qt issue. I do, however, hope that someone made a mistake with the kdelibs/kdebase network daemons and the next update will fix it... but the svn update itself did not show a lot of commits in the last dozen hours and nothing about networking code stood out. I've updated the [core] packages on both build partitions and there hasn't been a new kernel or libc or any significant Archlinux package updates that I am aware so I don't think it's my system. More likely some experimenting with core KDE networking code and someone has made a boo-boo. If the next update does not fix it then checking svn commits and the bugtracker will become the obvious next step (tomorrow for me). Fingers crossed.
Update: no, that qt-copy-4.4.2-2008092410 should be the one to last until 4.4.3... unless there is some intermediate update with new kde patches applied.
Last edited by markc (2008-09-24 13:00:49)
Ok, than we will wait!
Not good news, I loaded up 20080924 and the network problem still exists. I've gone to #kde-devel and asked if anyone else, running trunk, has noticed a network slowdown but no response so far. It may not be the best place to ask and end-user question without providing a patch to fix the problem but I'm not sure where else to ask realtime if anyone else is experiencing the same problem. Ironically, there may not that many folks on #kde-devel who actually run trunk as their main desktop! I'll check
Any suggestions where else to go and ask if other kde trunk users have this same problem?
Update: this is one of the few network related changes I can find... and websvn are so slow!!! … &r2=864392
The above doesn't look like it could slow down general network access for all kde apps but I'll halt the current package upload and start building a fresh set of packages. No point in anyone downloading the current build if it has this rather showstopping network problem. Sorry but it'll be another 4 (i686) to 8 (x86_64) hours before we can try the current svn trunk checkout.
Last edited by markc (2008-09-24 21:44:31)
I've got good news:)
I also tried searching the slow but i found nothing about slowdown network. Maybe it has to do something with proxy settings or something like that. Anyway, i just moved my .kde in order to logout and re-login and kde will make new setting files. Magically kde networking is working fine. I'm trying to find the settings that are causing this, but with no luck so far.
By the way, we have a very new and shiny
Maybe things aren't so simple as deleting settings files.
I see that the problem comes back on, but i don't know exactly how to reproduce it.
Last edited by capthookb (2008-09-24 22:46:26)
The file that causes the slowdown is .kde/share/config/kwalletrc. I don't see the connection between kwallet and network speed though.
When i delete kwalletrc everything is fine. When it gets recreated (although i don't see any kwallet service running) the problems is recreated.
Can you confirm this, in order to file a bug report?
@capthookb: well done, you are right, this page comes up straight away but as soon as I go to login, and that file gets created, konq slows down again. I usually don't use kwallet but if I go ahead and set it up then it seems like I do not have the slowdown problem yet .kde/share/config/kwalletrc exists although there are a few more options than when I looked just a moment ago (when I observed the same slowdown that you noted).
Update: well I moved my old .kde folder back and the same network slowdown occurred so I went to System Settings -> Advanced and enabled Kwallet and sure enough I no longer have the slowdown! Here are the before and after versions, the first one causes the slowdown when Kwallet is deactivated and the second one is the result of an active Kwallet and no slowdown.
% cat ~/kwalletrc.bkp
Close When Idle=false
First Use=false
Use One Wallet=true
% cat ~/.kde/share/config/kwalletrc
Close When Idle=false
Close on Screensaver=false
First Use=false
Idle Timeout=10
Launch Manager=true
Leave Manager Open=true
Leave Open=false
Prompt on Open=true
Use One Wallet=true
Last edited by markc (2008-09-25 00:15:24)
I just update to 2008092422 stuff and new qt-copy too and I have no problems so far :-) I use kwallet and I don't have changed my configs or my .kde folder.
BTW I really don't find the new systray-refactored , mine is always the old one and no new widget is showed up? Do I miss a package? Is this in playground?
@mangus you can't find it because its removed
Why do you say that it is removed? i still have it.
But it's not much. Just a dialog for hiding icons and the bug you mentioned the other day, Evilside (overlapping other plasmoids that is).
A very nice plasmoid is the notify plugin. Messages from kde, kopete etc, go through there, instead of the ugly grey popup
Why kdebase-workspace & runtime are taken from extra when doing an upgrade?
If it ain't broke, broke it then fix it.
I'd really like to try your pre-compiled kdesvn packages on one of my Arch installs, which already has a kdesvn installation on it compiled with the kdesvn-build tool. It's installed in /home/wrc/kde as user, with the configs in .kde. I was using the trunk qt-copy out of kdesvn-build, but about 2 months ago I decided to stop that (too much compiling) and go with the qt-4.4.2 package in Arch.
I also run kdesvn in Gentoo, one partition using kdesvn-portage overlay, and another Gentoo/kdesvn install on a different partition using the paludis overlay. I've been running these for almost a year now, so I'm familiar with kdesvn.
Anyway, my question is can I install your packages on my Arch partition, and also keep my other kdesvn install in /home/wrc/kde? I'm currently booting with gdm.
Since you have qt-copy in your repo, I suppose I should first remove the Arch qt-4.4.2, and point my kdesvn-buildrc script to your qt-copy- correct?
If your kdesvn works out, I'll likely remove my kdesvn-build tool install in /home/wr/kde, as I'm really doing way too much compiling on this box (same box also runs two other Gentoo testing installs.
UPDATE: I decided to try, got the libopensync-unstable from aur, but am now having taglib and kdesupport problems. If I remove taglib, then sound-juicer blocks me. What should I do?
[root@myhost wrc]# pacman -S kde-svn
kde-svn package not found, searching for group...
:: group kde-svn (including ignored packages):
extragear-multimedia kdeadmin kdebase kdegraphics kdelibs kdemultimedia
kdenetwork kdepim kdepimlibs kdesdk kdesupport kdeutils qt-copy
:: Install whole content? [Y/n] Y
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
:: kdesupport conflicts with qimageblitz. Remove qimageblitz? [Y/n] Y
:: kdesupport conflicts with strigi. Remove strigi? [Y/n] Y
:: kdesupport conflicts with taglib. Remove taglib? [Y/n] Y
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: sound-juicer: requires taglib>=1.4
[root@myhost wrc]#
Never mind. I had sound-juicer from gnome-extras installed, and removed it. Now, pacman -S kde-svn seems to be progressing OK.
Last edited by wrc1944 (2008-09-27 19:06:19)
I did a fresh install with kde-svn today and I cant start kdm.
I get a
"/usr/bin/kdm cannot execute binary file"
error message.
Just installed your kde-svn packages- worked great, after I solved a few minor details.
Had to remove eigen, and use pacman -Sf kde-svn, but after I realized I needed to use -f, things went easy. Before, I thought I must have had traces of the old kdesvn-build tool installed, even though it was built and installed as user in /home, because pacman kept failing and saying I had old kde files/oxygen icons, but they weren't there, or referring to files that were in both kdepim and kdepimlibs, neither of which were installed (except in /home/wrc/kde), Quite puzzling at first.
Anyway, my little 4 year old over-worked athlon 3000 cpu and I can't thank you enough. This really makes it convenient to keep up with kdesvn on my Arch partition. All I had to do was point my gdm .desktop file to /usr/bin/startkde instead of /home/wrc/kde/bin/startkde, and boot right up,
They don't conflict at all, and I guess if I want to rebuild with kdesvn-build again (unlikely), I can just edit my gdm, and rebuild against your qt-copy I just installed.
Is your kdm .desktop file pointing to Exec=/usr/bin/startkde?
Last edited by wrc1944 (2008-09-27 21:05:59)
Is your kdm .desktop file pointing to Exec=/usr/bin/startkde?
I have the same problem with kcheckrunning, kde4-config, kstartupconfig4 and other executables from kdebase
What do you have in your /etc/X11/ session directory?
Among others (mine also has .desktop files for xfce4 and gnome, which are listed in gdm), you need to have a text file called kdesvn.desktop. You probably will need to create it, and it needs the following lines in it.
[Desktop Entry]
Name=kde-svn Session
Gdm or kdm should access this file, if you have your system set up to use a login manager. Take a look in /etc/X11/xdm/ files, and your /home/user/.xsession and .xintirc files.
Maybe try installing gdm- I've sometimes found this works better than kdm if you have multiple versions of kde and/or kdesvn installed.
If you want to use startkde from a termial command line like you posted, you need a /home/user/.xsession file, something like:
# ~/.xsession
# Executed by xdm/gdm/kdm at login
/bin/bash --login -i ~/.xinitrc
exec /usr/bin/startkde
Last edited by wrc1944 (2008-09-27 23:14:00)
Maybe it has to do with screen/display configuration in /etc/X11/xorg.conf