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I just startede using Anjuta, and i seem to be running into some problems...
It seems like im missing some files, any1 know if i need to download some other stuff then what i get with "pacman -S anjuta" ?
Dunix the new Devil amongst Devils
I havn't used it much but it works ok I think without more files.
When you are installing with "-S" all deps should be included.
Could be a bug....
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
dunix, what files are you missing, what do you get?
consider pacman -Syu [to be up2date]
next time please give more details..
Ill post more info when im back at work tomorrow...
Dunix the new Devil amongst Devils
There are man packages such as glademm,gtkmm and so forth which are list here..
That are addons to anjuta which are technically deps but aren't requires to use the very basic feature set. Devhelp is the only one I think listed on that site that aren't on the arch repos..Anyways that link will tell you what all else you need to install to take full advantage of anjuta.
One thing to add there is a devhelp package in incoming..Would just need to update PKGBUILD most likely to the newest 0.9.1 ver.. Hope all that help.
Ill try those pages...
What i was missing was Help and include files...
Dunix the new Devil amongst Devils
Pages: 1