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Hiya folks,
When i copy files from a data cd/dvd to my home partition they are locked and can only be modified by root. How do I gain permission?
file is probably just missing the writeable-flag. Try this:
$ chmod +w <filename>
arlite is probably correct, since cd's are typically seen as a read-only media, files that are copied from a disc will frequently retain that ro attribute/ only thing is the command may have to be
$ sudo chmod +w <filename>
if only root can edit a file stands to reason that only root can change permissions on it!
if only root can edit a file stands to reason that only root can change permissions on it!
I would say a user can change rwx-permissions without su/sudo as long as (s)he is the owner of the file(s).
I just tried it. Copying a file from cdrom wrote the file with these rights: -r-xr-xr-x and my useraccount as the owner. So I can use 'chmod +w' without su/sudo to make the file writeable.
Sorry but I was hoping for something more a little more quicker. I have thousands of mp3's that I'd like to finally put on my laptop and most need the info edititng.
I know I can copy files using Ubuntu with none being locked but I'd like to stick with Arch.
Sorry but I was hoping for something more a little more quicker. I have thousands of mp3's that I'd like to finally put on my laptop and most need the info edititng.
I know I can copy files using Ubuntu with none being locked but I'd like to stick with Arch.
Why don't just copy the contents and then run chmod -R -w /mnt/yourdisk/yourmp3 ?
Pages: 1