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Pages: 1
I've got a Java application, which requires a particular font (Cyberbit.ttf, for instance). Got a *.ttf file downloaded; what am I to do next?
$ cp Cyberbit.ttf ~/.fonts/
$ fc-cache -fv
(if you don't have ~/.fonts folder yet, just create it)
Last edited by AD28 (2008-10-12 17:42:15)
Thanks! The procedure apparently is a success: the application in question even shows the font in its font list, but still rectangles instead of letters. Probably a dumb question, but any suggestions where to look next?
Much the same problem for me. Any help would be appreciated.
I have not tried using the cyberbit font in Archlinux, but I have some cjk fonts installed via pacman which show as rectangles in a java application (cgoban). They display fine in firefox and openoffice.
This is the first distro I have used that would not show cjk in cgoban with a recent version of java (5 plus), so it looks like an Archlinux specific situation.
Pages: 1