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#1 2008-09-28 21:55:14

From: Paname
Registered: 2008-08-02
Posts: 228

From Ubuntu to Arch, need some help

Hi everyone, I'me running Arch on a iMac 203 Aluminium and first thing first, one of my problems is the screen brightness (very very strong).
So there is a file on ubuntuforums that seems to do the job.
But I cant' manage to make it work on Arch.

What can I try, do I need the sources to compile on my machine ?
Can someone try to adapt it for Arch ?

Thx smile

Last edited by Kooothor (2008-09-28 22:22:02)



#2 2008-09-28 22:07:40

From: Poland
Registered: 2004-11-30
Posts: 4,018

Re: From Ubuntu to Arch, need some help

Give us the link to the topic on ubuntuforums.


#3 2008-09-28 22:21:48

From: Paname
Registered: 2008-08-02
Posts: 228

Re: From Ubuntu to Arch, need some help

ooopas, sorry I forgot the link.....

btw, I've pm'ed the guy to get the sources...

Last edited by Kooothor (2008-09-28 22:22:23)



#4 2008-09-29 22:00:27

Registered: 2005-11-27
Posts: 182

Re: From Ubuntu to Arch, need some help

copy & paste the C code from … cbook-pro/ (if you trust the ubuntu forums. I didn't proofread it. It might make your computer grow wings, bite you and fly off. Or just melt.).  Save the code as a file, backlight.c
Now open a terminal in the directory where backlight.c is located.
type out:
gcc -o backlight backlight.c

You now have a program called backlight. It should adjust the brightness.
But to change the brightness, you have to have direct access to video memory. That means you have to be superuser (root).
Type "su", then your root password when prompted.
Now test the program by typing "./backlight 10" in the terminal.
You can give it values from 1 to 15. Find a value you like. Now type "cp backlight /usr/local/bin". You copy the program to the standard location for user installed programs. Next, to run it at startup. Still as root, edit /etc/rc.local. Add a line saying "/usr/local/bin/backlight N", where N is the number code you want for the brightness.

That should do it smile)


#5 2008-10-03 23:59:55

From: Paname
Registered: 2008-08-02
Posts: 228

Re: From Ubuntu to Arch, need some help

Thank you very much gnud.
You helped me well, it works perfectly (I just had to remove some spaces in source code).



#6 2008-10-14 08:17:49

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: From Ubuntu to Arch, need some help

This looks like it will work for a 24" alu' iMac.

Thanks for putting the link on the iMac wiki Kooothor.

Last edited by handy (2008-10-15 08:39:02)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


#7 2008-10-18 05:53:25

From: Oz
Registered: 2008-03-26
Posts: 719

Re: From Ubuntu to Arch, need some help

I got around to testing the little program on my 2007 model Alu' 24" iMac, & it is great, many thanks to Filipe Alfaro & Nicolas Boichat for writing it & Kooothor for bringing it to our attention & gnud for giving us the simple process to compile the source. very cool  This will make a lot of Linux/Mac users very happy indeed.  big_smile

@gnud:  I used your instructions, slightly modified, in the iMac wiki, I hope you don't mind?

Last edited by handy (2008-10-18 07:18:54)

I used to be surprised that I was still surprised by my own stupidity, finding it strangely refreshing.
Well, now I don't find it refreshing.
I'm over it!


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