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If there is already a wiki entry or forum post on this that I missed, please just post me the link and I'll close the thread.
Using VMware workstation 6.5 I installed arch linux. This is my ifconfig eth0 output:
inet addr: Bcast: Mask
Everything is currently on defaults... Not sure why a ping won't resolve any hosts.
Any ideas?... Thanks in advance.
What is the default networking method under VMWare? I.e., are you using bridged networking, host only networking, or NAT?
Unless you have a special need for another method, you should probably use NAT. It's by far the easiest and quickest way to give your guest networking capabilities.
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The default is NAT and that is what it is set to. Networking works under all other guest systems so I am baffled as to why this isn't working. The virtualized NIC obviously works as well which makes it all the more frustrating.