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Pages: 1
Hi all.
I was trying to get this by reading the wiki, but couldn't get anything useful.
Anyway, what i want to do is (as the topics hints about) to set the mac address of a bridge interface. And of course I would like to accomplish this by using the config files.
Best Regards.
you can use
ifconfig [interface] hw ether
on bridges.
put that in rc.local or if this would be to late in the init process, put it directly
in bridge_up() in rc.d/network
INTERFACES=(eth0 br0)
#in bridge_up() after "brctl addbr"
eval brmac="\$mac_${br}"
/sbin/ifconfig $br hw ether $brmac || error=1
Some feedback.
I got this working, but i needed to put the ifconfig $br hw.. line after each of the interfaces hade been added, otherwise the MAC got changed when the if's got added.
So thanks alot fresch
Pages: 1