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When I log out of XFCE 4.4 The screen just goes blank, I think the proplem is with slim, all was fine until I installed slim. Any ideas how to fix this problem?
Usually SLiM comes back - although it may take a while. Does your screen just stay blank?
If so, you can always try restarting the X server or just killing SLiM alltogether from one of the available ttys.
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yes it just stays blank, should I just ditch slim and use xdm?
Slim usually takes a long time to get back, try resetting dm using ctrl-alt-backspace
yea why does it take so long? I wouldnt think it would take 35+ sec to return with a 2.5 core 2 duo and 4gigs of ram. Might as well just ditch it if it takes that long. how is xdm on times ?
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