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just wanted to report that the xorg 6.8.0 package in testing is working great
for me, and i'm using xcompmgr as well. I'm running KDE 3.3.
Do you have to do a chown root.root /tmp/.ICE[tab] every time you reboot the computer or am i the only want with that issue?
no i'm also affected
i tried to recompile and it's the same :-(
it's an error in ksmserver wich causes this but don't know how to change that
The only way to avoid having to switch to terminal every reboot is to create that directory by hand, I put this in the /etc/rc.local:
mkdir /tmp/.ICE-unix
chmod 777 /tmp/.ICE-unix
chmod +t /tmp/.ICE-unix
that's only a workaround
i try to find an other solution that don't need changing of files :-)
my computer laggs more than {insert something very slow here} when I run xorg 6.8 with xcompmgr.
I think it'n time to do some research abot speeding it up
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.
that's only a workaround
i try to find an other solution that don't need changing of files :-)
in debian there was a script that did something like that, it fixed some permisions in tmp directory for kde, maybe it is worth to check.
I found something, in mandrake 9.1:
in /etc/rc.sysinit:
# Clean ICE locks
mkdir -p /tmp/.ICE-unix
chown root:root /tmp/.ICE-unix
rm -rf /tmp/.ICE-unix/*
chmod a+rwx,+t /tmp/.ICE-unix
in debian there is the /etc/init.d/xfree86-common, i deleted my debian i can cat the file...
i added a bug report
i think this can be inluded in rc.sysinit
but judd has to decide this
Runing fine here (Gnome 2.6) but I did have to run xorgconfig again to set it up. My previous version of Xorg Server had a missing Keyboard input descripter and hence 6.8.0 was winging about the entry not being in the xorg.conf file. Will be testing it with America's Army and Red Orchestra later today to see how it responds.
Can't wait until Gnome 2.8 is released, will be very interesting.
Leave ones footprint not in the physical world but the in the world of the mind.
my computer laggs more than {insert something very slow here} when I run xorg 6.8 with xcompmgr.
I think it'n time to do some research abot speeding it up
If your using nvidia you can enable renderaccel
If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 1 Corinthians 13:2
Without xcompmgr -c enabled, I truely feel xorg 6.8.0 running on my system very smoothly and a little bit faster in my opinion(if don't mention the /tmp/.ICR-unix ownership problem above); However, there are some small problems after shadows on,
1, Mozilla firefox doesn't think my gnome panel exsited when maxmizing.
2, Mplayer becomes blank screen when plays movies in the full screen mode.
3, Totem seems to work here but still has a little problem with
Otherwise, so far so good, I even don't notice much speed lose when xcompmgr runs with argue c. What's more, how can I enable shadows on by default, I mean how I can run xcompmgr -c at starting x without input command manually in the terminal after booting into gnome?
oscar_ wrote:my computer laggs more than {insert something very slow here} when I run xorg 6.8 with xcompmgr.
I think it'n time to do some research abot speeding it upIf your using nvidia you can enable renderaccel
I figured it out last night, and it runs really sweet!
thank you, xorg!
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.
I'm getting the same problem with maximizing firefox... covers up both my top and bottom menu's in Gnome...
Unfortunately I think I'm going to have to wait for awhile before I can use the shadows and transparency... they just run WAY too darn slow....
(ATI should die!)
xcompmgr runs with argue c. What's more, how can I enable shadows on by default, I mean how I can run xcompmgr -c at starting x without input command manually in the terminal after booting into gnome?
In gnome yuo can go to desktop preferences -> advanced -> sessions
go to the startup programs tab (I think, I'm not home and don't remember exactly) and you can add commands that will be executed when gnome start. Just add xcompmgr -c there and it will start
As for transparency, you get that by running transset and clicking a window. trannset takes as argument the amount of transparency (from 0 to 1, so 0.9 is almost opaque, 0.1 is almost invisible).
I added a wiki entry for the Composite extension the other night:
interesting to read, also look at the troubleshooting for mplayer
I just discovered that if you enable the composite extension, Flash sites on Mozilla/Firefox no
longer work, it crashes the browser, at least in my computer (Nvidia Geforce 2 go).
Check my other post
does jack for me.
if i enable all the extensions all it does is disable fluxbox transparency and make my idesk icons invisible!
i am running fluxbox cvs - which has been modded to work with the new extensions - something very wrong here!