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Pages: 1 … pace-cron/
I found myself in need of running a script every hour, and get the result reported to me with notify-send. I found no easy way to do this with regular cron, as notify-send needs to be run from within an X session (or so my limited knowledge says), so I decided to write a simple python script to run commands every minute, half hour, and hour.
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time, datetime, os
now =
# Run minutely commands.
os.system("for script in ~/cron/minute/*; do $script; done")
if now.minute == 30:
# Run bihourly commands.
os.system("for script in ~/cron/halfhour/*; do $script; done")
elif now.minute == 0:
# Run bihourly and hourly commands.
os.system("for script in ~/cron/halfhour/*; do $script; done")
os.system("for script in ~/cron/hour/*; do $script; done")
Just make the directories ~/cron/minute, ~/cron/halfhour, and ~/cron/hour, stick a call to uCron in your gnome-session (or whatever you use), and away you go!
Pages: 1