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In some applications the mouse pointer dissapears completely(the last one i tryed was apolos), in others it dissapears in some places and appears in others(emesene), and in some works fine(firefox).
Because it appears in some apps I have no idea what could be the problem
$ emesene
/usr/share/emesene/emesenelib/ DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
import md5
/usr/share/emesene/emesenelib/ DeprecationWarning: the sha module is deprecated; use the hashlib module instead
import sha
If you are reading this, you may want to enable debug
It's the first option in the connection tab in preferences
sqlite3 imported
File /home/augusto/.config/emesene1.0/hack_augusto_live_com/custom_emoticons/map does not exist, skipping
/usr/share/emesene/ GtkWarning: gtk_tree_model_row_has_child_toggled: assertion `path != NULL' failed
return self.model.append(iterator, values)
$ apolos
(apolos:21660): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_layout_get_context: assertion `layout != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_context_get_language: assertion `context != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_context_get_metrics: assertion `PANGO_IS_CONTEXT (context)' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_char_width: assertion `metrics != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_font_metrics_get_approximate_digit_width: assertion `metrics != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_layout_set_width: assertion `layout != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_layout_get_extents: assertion `layout != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_layout_get_context: assertion `layout != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_context_get_language: assertion `context != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_context_get_metrics: assertion `PANGO_IS_CONTEXT (context)' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_font_metrics_get_ascent: assertion `metrics != NULL' failed
(apolos:21660): Pango-CRITICAL **: pango_font_metrics_get_descent: assertion `metrics != NULL' failed
Last edited by hack.augusto (2008-11-21 18:42:28)
Do you have "banish" setup in ratpoisonrc?
Banish would move mouse pointer to screen corner.
Can you pastebin your .ratpoisonrc?
arch x86_64 / ratpoison,musca / urxvt / screen / mpd+ncmpcpp / opera,jumanji
Keep Smiling !
yep, I have banish. I don't think it is banish because I can se the button highligth but I can't see the pointer.
my ~/.ratpoisonrc :
# setting the escape combo (default C-t)
escape C-z
# escape key to abort
bind Escape abort
# urxvt
bind c exec urxvt
bind C-c exec urxvt
# remove frame
bind R remove
#resize frames
bind r resize
# change group
bind x gnext
bind C-x gnext
# custom visual
set winname name
set bgcolor black
set fgcolor white
set padding 0 18 0 0
set border 0
# Printscreen
bind P exec sprof
# Scripts
exec ~/.ratpoison/ratinit
exec ~/.ratpoison/dzen
Last edited by hack.augusto (2008-11-04 15:59:59)
Figured that out, really dumm. I'm using slim and in the /etc/slim.conf file I had the option hidecursor as true.