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If I could just get this to run in Gnome without decor I would be laughing..... /me goes searching
For some reason this thing handles my .Xdefaults wrong.
i have a black background normally in urxvt, but bashrun always starts with a white background.
He hoped and prayed that there wasn't an afterlife. Then he realized there was a contradiction involved here and merely hoped that there wasn't an afterlife.
Douglas Adams
For some reason this thing handles my .Xdefaults wrong.
i have a black background normally in urxvt, but bashrun always starts with a white background.
This is probably due to you setting the options as urxvt*optionName, rather than URxvt*optionName. If you read a little about Xdefaults, the difference is in how you call the instance. So options set with URxvt persist no matter what. Bashrun names the terminal bashrun, so you could set specific options for only when using the script. I personally have optional transparency settings that only show up when the terminal is called with '-name urxvtTrans'.
Mr Green wrote:If I could just get this to run in Gnome without decor I would be laughing..... /me goes searching
emmm I could never get it to work ;-( so added borderless to .Xdefaults see if I can do it using aterm
aterm is border free but ;-( bashrun starts in a titled window ok changed the following and it now works
elif [[ "$XTERM" == "aterm" || "$XTERM" == "mlterm" ]]; then
-geometry $GEOM +sb \
-e /bin/bash --rcfile $BASHRUNRC -i -t
no pie! was eaten during the making of this post :-)
Last edited by Mr Green (2008-10-12 08:42:35)
Mr Green I like Landuke!
For those who use compiz fusion, you can disable window decoration for bashrun by configuring window decoration for "!(title=bashrun)" in CCSM
< Daenyth> and he works prolifically
4 8 15 16 23 42
Edited. Switched from dbus/wmctrl to xdotools
Thanks again for this great script. I wanted to write my own and asked for some input on #archlinux and by chance the maker of bashrun was online at that time
Anyways, I've modified the script a lot for the use with compiz-fusion. It works a bit different and only with urxvtd/c. Instead of re-running the terminal everytime it's called, this script uses xdotools to minimize and restore (map and unmap) the window.
It is likely that this script also works with other WMs, now that it's not depending on dbus anymore (thanks to hbekel, who told me about xdotools). It should work with any other WM as well. The main point though (to me) is, that you remove the borders/taskbar entries and such from this window and that's still a matter of your WM.
The good:
- It runs only once at the beginning as a client to urxvtd because...
- Every subsequent call will simply restore the terminal instead of rerunning it using the capabilities compiz-fusion gives us (and thus saving quite some time and ressources).
- The terminal will only appear once at a time. If you hit your hotkey to call the script, the terminal appears. If you press the hotkey again, it disappears.
- Full bash completion capabilities and everything because it's a real terminal.
The bad:
- It depends on urxvtd/c and xdotools.
- You will have an idling urxvtc while not using the dialog
Important instruction notes:
- You need to edit both files for paths. Line 4 in the .sh file, Line 16 in the .rc file.
- You need to have urxvtd running
- You need to have xdotools installed as it's needed to map/unmap the terminal.
- You need to have a profile named urxvtBashrun in your ~/.Xdefaults. Just duplicate your current entries if you want it to be the same as your normal urxvt windows. If you haven't used urxvt until now, I appended a possible setup at the end of this post.
To make it look and work awesome in compiz-fusion you can set some stuff in CCSM:
- General compiz options >> Commands >>" Command line N" <path to script> and "Run Command N" <your hotkey> (bind a hotkey)
- Window Decoration >> add & !name=urxvtBashrun to "Decorations windows" (remove decos)
- Place Windows >> Fixed Window Placement >> Windows with fixed positions >> add the match name=urxvtBashrun and some coordinates (fixed placement)
- Window Rules >> put name=urxvtBashrun in all the following fields: Skip taskbar, Skip pager, Above, Sticky, Non-resizable windows, None-maximisable windows. (...)
Here are the files:
# This is where our bashrun-compiz.rc should be
# If there's no rc file, return an error and exit
[ ! -f $BASHRUNRC ] && echo "bashrun-compiz.rc not found. Check the path in line 4" && exit 1
# source bashrunrc
# if $HISTFILE is empty, we'll have trouble. Create dummy entry if needed.
[ ! -f $HISTFILE ] && echo -e "echo" > $HISTFILE
# "clean)": do the history cleaning or "*)": run the script regularly
# clean is only called when hitting <Enter> . See bashrun-compiz.rc
case $1 in
# minimize the prompt by running this without arguments
# remove " >/dev/null 2>&1 &" from the last history line
tac $HISTFILE | sed "1s/ >\/dev\/null 2>&1 &//" | tac > $HISTFILE.tmp
# HISTCONTROL won't work on its own because bash applies the
# 'ignoredups' and 'erasedups' rules to 'command &'.
# apply 'ignoredups' if set
if [[ "$HISTCONTROL" =~ "ignoredups" || "$HISTCONTROL" =~ "ignoreboth" ]]; then
# apply 'erasedups' if set
if [[ "$HISTCONTROL" =~ "erasedups" ]]; then
tac $HISTFILE | gawk '!x[$0]++' - | tac > $HISTFILE.tmp
# don't disturb the window while we're grabbing the xid!
[ -f /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID.lock ] && exit 1
# check for window state and do stuff accordingly
if [ -f /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID ]; then
utxwinid=$(cat /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID)
utxstate=$(xwininfo -id $utxwinid | grep "Map State")
if [[ ${utxstate##*: } == "IsViewable" ]]; then
xdotool windowunmap $utxwinid
elif [[ ${utxstate##*: } == "IsUnMapped" ]]; then
xdotool windowmap $utxwinid
# if we reach this, it means our terminal wasn't running
# even though there was a XID file. Delete it and run terminal.
rm /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID
# create lock file to prevent duplicates
touch /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID.lock
# set a trap to purge the XID file in case urxvtd dies
nohup bash -c "while pgrep urxvtd; do sleep 15; done; rm /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID" &
# run the terminal
urxvtc -name urxvtBashrun \
-title 'bashrun' \
-geometry $GEOMETRY +sb \
-e sh -ls -c "/bin/bash --rcfile $BASHRUNRC -i"
# wait 1 second to be safe, then get its xid
sleep 1; xwininfo -tree -root | grep urxvtBashrun | awk '{ print $1 }' >> /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID
# we don't need a lock anymore
rm /tmp/.urxvtBashrunCompizXID.lock
# terminal size in default mode
# terminal size in "long" mode
# history file and options:
# Only change the path to your bashrun-compiz.rc, leave the rest!
# It appends the history, calls the history cleaner and then reloads
# the history everytime it displays the prompt after command execution.
PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; /path/to/your/ clean; history -r"
# foreground and background colors
# keybindings, see bash(1) bind builtin
# bind <TAB> to menu-complete. Makes <TAB> cycle through completions on
# the current line instead of paging all possible completions
bind '"\t": menu-complete'
# bind <C-g> to send ^D
# (<C-g> is the default quit-chain-key in emacs, ratpoison, etc)
bind '"\C-g"':"\"\x04\""
# bind <C-l> to toggle "long" mode
bind -x '"\C-l": if [[ "$L" == "$LONG_LINES" && "$C" == $LONG_COLUMNS ]]; then C=$SMALL_COLUMNS; L=$SMALL_LINES; else C=$LONG_COLUMNS; L=$LONG_LINES; fi;echo -ne "\e[8;${L};${C}t"; clear;EV=$L;EH=$C'
# bind <C-Arrow> for resizing
bind -x $'"\201":let EV++; echo -ne "\e[8;${EV};${EH}t"; clear'
bind '"\e[1;5B"':$'"\201"'
bind -x $'"\202":let EV--; if [ "$EV" == "0" ]; then EV=1; fi; echo -ne "\e[8;${EV};${EH}t"; clear'
bind '"\e[1;5A"':$'"\202"'
bind -x $'"\203":let EH++; echo -ne "\e[8;${EV};${EH}t"; clear'
bind '"\e[1;5C"':$'"\203"'
bind -x $'"\204":let EH--; if [ "$EH" == "0" ]; then EH=1; fi; echo -ne "\e[8;${EV};${EH}t"; clear'
bind '"\e[1;5D"':$'"\204"'
# set a simple prompt
PS1="> "
# bind ENTER to add ' >/dev/null 2>&1 &' to command
# This is neccessary to avoid any unwanted output in the future
bind '"\x0d"':"\" >/dev/null 2>&1 &\n\""
.Xdefauls, if you need it:
Xft*antialias: true
Xft*dpi: 120
! urxvtBashrun settings (For bashrun) -------------------------------------------------------
urxvtBashrun*utf8: 1
urxvtBashrun*perl-ext-common: default,matcher
urxvtBashrun*matcher.button: 1
urxvtBashrun*matcher.pattern.1: \bwww\.[\w-]\.[\w./?&@#-]*[\w/-]
urxvtBashrun.urlLauncher: opera
urxvtBashrun*perl-lib: /usr/lib/urxvt/perl/
urxvtBashrun*cursorUnderline: true
urxvtBashrun*colorMode: on
urxvtBashrun*background: black
urxvtBashrun*foreground: grey
urxvtBashrun*fading: 1
urxvtBashrun*fadeColor: black
urxvtBashrun*transparent: true
urxvtBashrun*shading: 255
urxvtBashrun*scrollBar: 0
urxvtBashrun*borderless: 1
urxvtBashrun*internalBorder: 0
urxvtBashrun*externalBorder: 0
urxvtBashrun*font: xft:DejaVu Sans Mono:size=7.5
urxvtBashrun*boldFont: xft:Dejavu sans mono:size=7.5:style=Bold
urxvtBashrun*scrollTtyKeypress: 1
urxvtBashrun*scrollTtyOutput: 0
urxvtBashrun*loginShell: true
urxvtBashrun*background: rgba:0000/0000/0000/DDDD
urxvtBashrun*colorUL: #86A2BE
urxvtBashrun*underlineColor: #86A2BE
urxvtBashrun*termName: rxvt-unicode
! black
urxvtBashrun*color0: #242424
urxvtBashrun*color8: #828282
! red
urxvtBashrun*color1: #BF7979
urxvtBashrun*color9: #F4A45F
! green
urxvtBashrun*color2: #97B26B
urxvtBashrun*color10: #C5F779
! yellow
urxvtBashrun*color3: #cdcda1
urxvtBashrun*color11: #ffffaf
! blue
urxvtBashrun*color4: #86a2be
urxvtBashrun*color12: #98afd9
! magenta
urxvtBashrun*color5: #d9b798
urxvtBashrun*color13: #d7d998
! cyan
urxvtBashrun*color6: #a1b5cd
urxvtBashrun*color14: #a1b5cd
! white
urxvtBashrun*color7: #ffffff
urxvtBashrun*color15: #dedede
Last edited by Shapeshifter (2008-10-31 23:49:14)
shouldn't the config files be ~/.config/bashrun/bashrunrc, instead of ~/.config/bashrun/.bashrunrc ?
Just a thought....
@shapeshifter: sorry i didn't reply earlier, but i've been somewhat busy in the last few days. Nice modifications there. I will certainly look at your technique of keeping the shell active in the background, although I'm not quite sure whether i'll eventually include it into bashrun.
@Odd-rationale: yes, you're right, the files below .config should probably be visible. I'll change that in the next release.
I will certainly look at your technique of keeping the shell active in the background, although I'm not quite sure whether i'll eventually include it into bashrun.
Well the technique is unique to every window manager, so I don't think it's practical to include it anyway It would be to much of a hassle and your elegant script would turn out a bit too big. Technically, this can work with any window manager that
- supports hiding specific windows from the taskbar and
- supports minimizing/restoring windows from the commandline (so that it's scriptable)
Compiz fusion can do it, though it's buggy because non-taskbar items don't have a target to minimize to, which is the reason they don't get restored via dbus and the reason why I use wmctrl to do that. Coincidentally, wmctrl has problems minimizing windows, so it adds up.
In any case, it's totally window manager specific because it's about minimizing and restoring a hidden terminal. The only two significant changes I made to your part of the script are in .bashrunrc:
1. PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; /home/shapeshifter/Scripts/General/ clean; history -r"
This line invokes the spcified commands everytime before the prompt is shown again. It saves the history, cleans up the >/dev/null 2>&1 & mess and then reloads it. This is neccessary because the history lines when pressing <arrow-up> in bash can't be edited on the fly. In your version, the terminal gets reloaded and that's why this is happening anyways. Because the shell keeps running in this script, we have to call the saving/cleaning/reloading manually. By the way, this is also the reason why the run dialog will still disappear when hitting enter, although it keeps running: clean will also minimize the windows.
2. bind '"\x0d"':"\" >/dev/null 2>&1 &\n\""
The last line obviously, because now not only & is needed but also >/dev/null 2>&1 to prevent output from showing up in our run dialog.
Just curious, is running a urxvtc and hiding it 90% of the time really smarter than opening and closing urxvtc multiple times but not having it running for 90%? Having an idle client in the background doesn't make much sense to me in that perspective.
Last edited by rson451 (2008-10-31 15:36:53)
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
-- |
Yeah that makes sense rson. It's just that I tried out both; Letting it idle in background and starting it everytime using the original bashrun script. In Compiz-fusion, this "run dialog" feels a lot more responsive when letting it idle. Pressing alt-F2 (my hotkey) makes it appear instantly, pressing that hotkey again makes it disappear instantly. Also, urxvtc is a very small thing in background because of urxvtd which I'm running anyways.
Anyways, it's just a solution for compiz-fusion. By the way, I use the same technique on a terminal that runs below all other windows on the desktop and on another one that mimicks yakuake and drops in from the top. All three run urxvtc on urxvtd and are bound to hotkeys that make them appear and disappear instantly. Here's a shot of all three in action...
Version 0.6 has been released at This version implements Shapeshifter's idea of keeping the shell in the background to save resources. xdotool ( is needed to use this new feature. If xdotool is not present, the script will work the same way as in previous versions.
well done
I especially fancy the
bind '"\x0d"':"\"\e[1~unmap_window;\e[4~ >/dev/null 2>&1 &\n\""
though I don't understand this part:
function run_terminal() {
if [ "$XDOTOOL" == "1" ]; then
BASHOPTS="-i -t"
export XDOTOOL # LINE 242
why do you export XDOTOOL again at this point?
Last edited by Shapeshifter (2008-11-03 18:15:50)
why do you export XDOTOOL again at this point?
that line is not necessary, I just forgot to remove it thanks for pointing it out...
I implemented the toggle_map_window function as you proposed:
function toggle_map_window {
if [ "$XDOTOOL" == "1" ]; then
# check whether bashrun is running
WID=`xdotool search -name bashrun`
if [ ! "$WID" == "" ]; then
# check if it's mapped
isMapped=$(xdotool search --onlyvisible --name bashrun)
if [[ ! $isMapped == "" ]]; then
# unmap it
xdotool windowunmap $WID
exit 0
# bring it up front and exit
xdotool windowmap $WID
DESKTOP=`xdotool get_desktop`
xdotool set_desktop_for_window $WID $DESKTOP
xdotool windowfocus $WID
exit 0
This can completely replace the map_window and unmap_window functions which both become superfluous. Also, I'm not a big fan of exporting functions, and it's not even needed in this script. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think, you could erase these two lines in your script:
export -f show_error
export -f cleanup_history
Also, the check for xdotool could only be made once instead of everytime the script runs by chaning the bit at the top like this:
# check for xdotool
if [[ ! -n $XDOTOOL ]]; then
if [ `which xdotool` ]; then
export XDOTOOL
Because [[ ! -n $XDOTOOL ]] will check if the variable doesn't exists.
Last edited by Shapeshifter (2008-11-05 16:01:42)
Also, check out gmrun. It's basically serves the same purpose as bashrun but it's written for gtk and thus a hint more graphical. It's also supposed to be more intelligent in some ways. It features command and path completion and all that. Still, bashrun is slightly more lightweight
quoted from their site:
Provides bash-like TAB completion, only nicer (shows a list containing all possible completions and let the user chose from it; yes, it's also possible to choose with the mouse, but you'll see that the keyboard is outstanding .
Enter simply runs the command line, CTRL-ENTER runs it in a terminal. Of course, the terminal command is configurable in the configuration file, located usually in "~/.gmrunrc".
Can run files that do not have "execute" permission More specifically, you set a handler for ".doc" files in your .gmrunrc, and it uses that handler to open ".doc" files. [ new in 0.8 ]
Maintains a list of previous commands (history). One can interactively search a command in this list using CTRL-R / CTRL-S (something like interactive search in Emacs), or prefixing the command with an exclamation sign "!" -- like in bash, only the user has a chance to see the command before running it, therefore has a chance to change his mind.
It has a small window, not bloated with useless buttons and space-wasting things like "gnome-run".
Allows URLs (but they have to be configured in the ~/.gmrunrc file). No matter what, if the input string is in the form "whatever://address" then it looks for an URL handler associated with the "whatever" URL and passes to it the "address" string.
Allows user to specify a list of commands that will be always run in a terminal, regardless if the fired key is ENTER or CTRL-ENTER.
When started, if a history file exists shows the last command as selected text, such as the user can press ENTER directly to run it again or type another text and the old one will be erased.
Some guy on gmrun.
Last edited by Shapeshifter (2008-11-13 14:05:28)
I've just released bashrun version 0.7. Incidentally, this version implements some of the features that gmrun provides.
New features include:
- run commands in the terminal (Alt-Enter)
- run in terminal and keep the window open (Alt-h, Alt-+)
- copy command output to clipboard (Alt-x)
- handler applications and bookmarks (see ~/.config/bashrun/rc)
- commandline arguments for controlling a running instance of bashrun (see manual page).
Thanks to Ghost1227, shapeshifter, Dieterbe
Have fun!
Last edited by hbekel (2008-11-13 17:59:30)
When I ran it, the xterm window flashes and disapears. What could go wrong?
Do you use xdtotool (i.e. have it installed)? Does bashrun say anything if you run it from a terminal?
And if it doesn't, try setting "SMALL_LINES=10" in .config/bashrun/rc and add the "-hold" option to the xterm call in function "run_terminal" in /usr/bin/bashrun. This will keep the xterm window open after the shell terminates, showing any error messages that might occur in shell startup.
Last edited by hbekel (2008-11-16 13:26:57)
Using it at work. And I really enjoy it. Thank you
hbekel: I got :
Couldn't exec: No such file or directory
The terminal then doesn't take any input at all.
@lang2: You will need to give more information. Did this message appear in the terminal from which you ran bashrun or did it appear in the terminal window itself (using my previous advice?)
What's your distribution? What method did you use to install, and what version? What does your config file ./config/bashrun/rc look like? Which terminal are you trying to use? Do you have xdotool installed? What's your version of bash?
hbekel: Thanks. It looks like a xterm configuration problem or some sort. I changed to use urxvt and it's fine now.
Another question though: does bash aliases work to?