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I just removed freevo after some annoying problems that I just didn't have the time to sort out.
Anyways, after doing # sudo pacman -Rn I can still find several freevo files on my system. But
when I try to rm them I get a message that the file/folder can't be found.
This has happened to me with other stuff too. Why am I able to see the files in the folder when
arch is reporting them as missing when I try to remove them?
I really hate having a bunch of left over files on my system so I'd like to be able to completely
remove the apps I don't need anymore.
Last edited by Perre (2008-11-05 21:43:54)
1. `locate` will keep seeing the files until you update its database. Use /etc/cron.daily/updatedb if you want to "speed up" the database update process.
2. How are you "seeing" said files (except for using locate)? Are you performing `ls` in said folders?
You don't. You need to run
sudo updatedb
Then try locate . locate's database doesn't update automatically, so you have to do it manually every time there are changes. I'm sure there is a way to set it up to automatically update, but that's outside the scope of this problem.
Thanks for the replies!
string: With "Seeing" I mean browsing through folders using pcmanfm. After updating python to 2.6 the python2.5 folder still exists and I can access it's contents, but when I tried to rm it I got the "file/folder doesn't exist" message.
I'll try to updatedb and do a ls in said folder to see what I get.