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Is there any Window Manager or environment manager which can minimize programs as Icons in the desktop?
I'm kinda fed up of panels and bloats (and I use ob)... Having said that, my perfect panel would be only the systray in the bottom right and programs down in the desktop (having all access by keyboard binds).
Any suggestions I appreciate, thanks.
I just ditched my panel a week or two ago. Instead of having a task bar, I've bound Openbox's "client-list-combined-menu" to one of the side mousebuttons so that I can access it either on the desktop or within a windowframe context. It gives you a list of all windows that would show up in a taskbar, sorted by desktops and with icons. If you don't find something that creates icons on the desktop, I think this might be the next best solution.
Take a look at sticking stalonetray in the dock and autohiding it if you haven't found a tray yet.
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Is there any Window Manager or environment manager which can minimize programs as Icons in the desktop?
Xfce has this option under Desktop Preferences -> Behavior -> Desktop Icons=Minimized application icons.
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I just ditched my panel a week or two ago. Instead of having a task bar, I've bound Openbox's "client-list-combined-menu" to one of the side mousebuttons so that I can access it either on the desktop or within a windowframe context. It gives you a list of all windows that would show up in a taskbar, sorted by desktops and with icons. If you don't find something that creates icons on the desktop, I think this might be the next best solution.
Take a look at sticking stalonetray in the dock and autohiding it if you haven't found a tray yet.
E17 also has a middle click client menu. It's really convenient to use. My current desktop only has a clock on it, and I have nothing left that needs a system tray (hurray!).
ROX can do this in openbox if you set it to manage the desktop
Interesting answers.. I'm booting different stances of my X to test it out... But keep the suggestions going
FVWM can do it with some hackery, no surprise.
FVWM doesn't need any hackery to iconify windows. The Hackery is to make mini-screenshots of the windows to minimize
edit: FVWMIconMan is the module
Last edited by heleos (2008-11-07 01:25:15)
FVWM doesn't need any hackery to iconify windows. The Hackery is to make mini-screenshots of the windows to minimize
edit: FVWMIconMan is the module
Oh, that's true, I just assumed he wanted screenshots heh.
meh but I'm kinda stupid to work on FVWM configs.. hehe
Anyone got any pictures of the icons thing?
Ah ha! combing the screenshot thread for a FVWM config that I really liked. This is from the August 2008 screenshot thread:
Hey, I've just tried the "pinpoint" thing in rox, which can drag/drop icons to desktop and iconify programs to desktop but It doesn't work in fluxbox/openbox
Ah ha! combing the screenshot thread for a FVWM config that I really liked. This is from the August 2008 screenshot thread:
Got the configs?
I might try fvwm if it suits well my needs.... Thanks
Ah ha! combing the screenshot thread for a FVWM config that I really liked. This is from the August 2008 screenshot thread:
Looks interesting, I don't like the green on brown text in the window titlebars though.
FVWM doesn't need any hackery to iconify windows. The Hackery is to make mini-screenshots of the windows to minimize
edit: FVWMIconMan is the module
Actually even that module is a little redundant, the iconification is built-in to the core of FVWM.
Got the configs?
it's here:
I don't know how the whole bar on the bottom will look if you're not running in 1680x1050 though.
I have a somewhat simpler setup in the Sept. screenshots thread, it only has a little box showing the current desktop & the color scheme is changed to a more basic dark grey, config is at
And also by the way configuration of FVWM really isn't that hard, as far as I'm concerned it's way easier than having to learn Haskell or Lua or whatever for some of those tiling WM's.
heleos wrote:FVWM doesn't need any hackery to iconify windows. The Hackery is to make mini-screenshots of the windows to minimize
edit: FVWMIconMan is the module
Actually even that module is a little redundant, the iconification is built-in to the core of FVWM.
joqueza wrote:Got the configs?
it's here:
I don't know how the whole bar on the bottom will look if you're not running in 1680x1050 though.
I have a somewhat simpler setup in the Sept. screenshots thread, it only has a little box showing the current desktop & the color scheme is changed to a more basic dark grey, config is at
And also by the way configuration of FVWM really isn't that hard, as far as I'm concerned it's way easier than having to learn Haskell or Lua or whatever for some of those tiling WM's.
Can I resize/move windows with A-Left/Right Button? Thanks.
Can I resize/move windows with A-Left/Right Button? Thanks.
Not exactly sure what you mean here. The config is set up to handle moving/resizing in the typical fashion, left-click & hold on the titlebar moves, same thing on a window edge or corner resizes.
If you're after something more specific/complex I'm sure FVWM can do it, and if you give me a more detailed explanation of the behaviour you're after I can try and help.
FVWM doesn't need any hackery to iconify windows. The Hackery is to make mini-screenshots of the windows to minimize
edit: FVWMIconMan is the module
fvwm-crystal is great for this. At least if you want something from fvwm that is already configured.
heleos wrote:FVWM doesn't need any hackery to iconify windows. The Hackery is to make mini-screenshots of the windows to minimize
edit: FVWMIconMan is the module
Actually even that module is a little redundant, the iconification is built-in to the core of FVWM.
joqueza wrote:Got the configs?
it's here:
I don't know how the whole bar on the bottom will look if you're not running in 1680x1050 though.
I have a somewhat simpler setup in the Sept. screenshots thread, it only has a little box showing the current desktop & the color scheme is changed to a more basic dark grey, config is at
And also by the way configuration of FVWM really isn't that hard, as far as I'm concerned it's way easier than having to learn Haskell or Lua or whatever for some of those tiling WM's.
thanx a lot for the configs man! just started trying fvwm and ur configs have been very useful! using ur setup now! one question tho! in ur deviantart page, there's another screen ( … 7-47073389). the window border resembles cuttooth OB theme and i guess the WM is fvwm. can u upload those configs as well pelase?
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
joqueza wrote:Can I resize/move windows with A-Left/Right Button? Thanks.
Not exactly sure what you mean here. The config is set up to handle moving/resizing in the typical fashion, left-click & hold on the titlebar moves, same thing on a window edge or corner resizes.
If you're after something more specific/complex I'm sure FVWM can do it, and if you give me a more detailed explanation of the behaviour you're after I can try and help.
What I was trying to explain is the [flux,open]box windows moving/resizing behavior. You have to press Alt + left/right mouse button to do these tasks. I'm so used to it that I cant get back to the old way, which IMO, is alot less productive.
window maker can minimise as "tiles", little sqaure iconified boxes. from what i remember though, it wasn't so great with things like kopete, etc that rely on being able to close to a proper system tray
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thanx a lot for the configs man! just started trying fvwm and ur configs have been very useful! using ur setup now!
one question tho! in ur deviantart page, there's another screen ( … 7-47073389). the window border resembles cuttooth OB theme and i guess the WM is fvwm. can u upload those configs as well pelase?
I will have to look around and see if I still have the configs somewhere. It's been a while, but I think that actually was openbox using the cuttooth theme. The bar on the bottom I believe was a combo of pypanel, netwmpager, and some conky magic.
What I was trying to explain is the [flux,open]box windows moving/resizing behavior. You have to press Alt + left/right mouse button to do these tasks. I'm so used to it that I cant get back to the old way, which IMO, is alot less productive.
I just checked and Alt + left mouse movement was already in there:
Mouse 1 W M MoveIt
Alt + right mouse resizing wouldn't be much different, this should do the trick:
Mouse 2 W M Resize
Daisuke_Aramaki wrote:thanx a lot for the configs man! just started trying fvwm and ur configs have been very useful! using ur setup now!
one question tho! in ur deviantart page, there's another screen ( … 7-47073389). the window border resembles cuttooth OB theme and i guess the WM is fvwm. can u upload those configs as well pelase?
I will have to look around and see if I still have the configs somewhere. It's been a while, but I think that actually was openbox using the cuttooth theme. The bar on the bottom I believe was a combo of pypanel, netwmpager, and some conky magic.
i kinda thot about it as well. its juss that i was in awe over all ur screens at DA, gave fvwm a shot immediately and was pretty impressed at its functionality and speed! neway i used ur config and changed some stuff to make my fvwm compatible with the cuttooth gtk theme! here's my desk in action! … -103321038
neway keep up ur gud work mate!
Last edited by Daisuke_Aramaki (2008-11-12 04:55:23)
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
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