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I bought new disk, I use Arch Linux since January 2006 so of course I put Arch installation CD and ran setup.
Everything installed correctly (I made just base install).
I booted, then I configured network, updated pacman, and did:
pacman -Syu
Then I rebooted system.
The result? Crash in initrd, something about missing "replace" (is it a coomand? can't find it)
I had no idea how to fix it, I even tried to boot my new system from the CD, but error was still there.
I don't know much about initrd, I remember in old times it wasn't so complex, just kernel boots and now there is some complex images which I have no idea how to control.
So I made clean install again (at least base install is quick).
And then I manually updated most of the packages, installed xorg xfce, firefox, mplayer, etc, etc, and now I haven't updated only two things:
bash-3.2# pacman -Su
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for inter-conflicts...
Targets (2): filesystem-2008.07-1 initscripts-2008.09-2
Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
Total Installed Size: 0.36 MB
Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
I am afraid that if I update them I will see the same initrd erorr again, and I don't want to lose whole evening.
My current versions are:
bash-3.2# pacman -Q filesystem
filesystem 2008.06-2
bash-3.2# pacman -Q initscripts
initscripts 2008.05-1
1) How can I update it and be safe?
2) What to do when your system crash in "initrd"?
3) How to install packages to the already installed system from the installation CD, but without booting into installed Linux (because as I already wrote - it's not possible)? Can I tell pacman to install packages not into / but into /mnt/something?
I upgraded these two packages and nothing bad happened.
I was able to reproduce it again.
1) Install Arch 2008.06
2) run: pacman -Syu
3) reboot
Your system will crash, because /boot/kernel26.img is broken.
Pages: 1