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Hello all!
I am using redhat 9.0 and mozilla 1.2.1 I am trying to print a web page from mozilla in greek. After many hours of searching I found out that theris no more wprint and the next solution is xprint. so I downloaded it and installed it. But mozilla still cannot print a greek web page. It prints a black page containing a few letters . Actually only the m letter is displayed. Any suggestions or ideas? The printer is an epson stylous C60 connected to a windows machine wich is "lan-ed" with my linux box. The thing is that from other programs I canprint greek pages (lyx, kile....)
I would appceciate any guidance
thanx a lot
it would be nice to have an xprint package in AL.
can you post your PKGBUILD?
Sorry if you think I am a complete stupid but what is PKGBUILD? I suppose pakage build but of what mozilla, xprint, kernel...? I am a newbie after all.... Anyway thanx for the immediate replay. I'll be here with more info as soon as I understand what exactly youmean
Pages: 1