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Later this morning I was chatting with a friend of creating a fast desktop using the best from each world.
I mean, KDE4 is simply too slow while compositing is on, and it's not KISS, but it has great apps running under the bleeding-edge lightweight and cool QT4; then we have some QT3 apps that are great and not still ported nor complete under KDE4 that would fit nice in a desktop (like amarok or K3B); we have a great looking and fast compositing WM like Compiz-Fusion and last but not least we have the really eye-candy E17 as a great desktop base.
Why not join them all in a single advanced desktop that focuses on great apps, great eye-candy, great usability and ease of use?
Please comment you ideas and if you'd like to contribute please ask to do so.
Proud Ex-Arch user.
Still an ArchLinux lover though.
Currently on Kubuntu 9.10
I'm up to help you if you want. I find compiz fusion too bloaty, e17 is awesome eye candy but not stable. WE could make smthg like e17 but stable version, and combine it with apps form all over. I'm relatively busy person, but i'll do what i can (i can program etc too).
Now reborn as Tjh_ (to keep it similar to my username in other places)
I'm up to help you if you want. I find compiz fusion too bloaty, e17 is awesome eye candy but not stable. WE could make smthg like e17 but stable version, and combine it with apps form all over. I'm relatively busy person, but i'll do what i can (i can program etc too).
Well perhaps compiz is a little bloatty, but what about XfWM4? It's compositing capabilities are great and it's also really lightweight...
I must say that my actual idea is working on a larch-based live CD with this desktop system.
Anyways, let's get some ideas down and after that lets work on them bud.
thanks for your help offer and comments
Proud Ex-Arch user.
Still an ArchLinux lover though.
Currently on Kubuntu 9.10