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Really? From what I've seen Arch seems about on par with Debian Testing, and Arch Testing with Sid...
Maybe, but aren't the packages a lot more up to date? I mean, kernel 2.6.27 isn't even in Sid right now!
That's the reason I just installed Arch on my friend's computer. His Kubuntu got totally killed trying to upgrade to Intrepid with major dependency hell. It's in good hands now though I still like apt though, but it certainly has its quirks. I prefer pacman and yaourt.
having used debian based distros since *buntu 6.06; aptitude (note: this is NOT apt-get) does a fair job at handeling dependancies during uninstall. Sadly, this *out there* distribution is based on an apparantly flawed package management tool. The suggested additions of purge to apt-get apparantly don't work as well as hoped?
Anyways, I'm another convertee. Arch's way of giving power to the user is the way to go.
Arch i686 on Phenom X4 | GTX760