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If I edit /usr/src/linux-2.6.27-ARCH/.config, have I truly edited the kernel configuration? Or do I have to rebuild/recompile the kernel afterwards or something?
You would have to rebuild the kernel afterwards. The wiki has a guide, if you're interested.
Hrm... This seems overly complicated. On netbsd, after editing the kernel config file, the root user simply executes /usr/src/ and reboots to make the changes go into effect ( … ernel.html). Is there a shell script out there for linux which can rebuild the kernel with a new config file just as easily?
The referenced wiki page is about creating a new kernel package, which will be managed by pacman, like all your other packages. The alternative is to use the "classic" method of building kernels i.e. get the kernel source, edit your config, run the relevant make commands, install the files where they need to go. This is, of course, completely scriptable, and if you search, you'll probably find something along those lines.
It's up to you whether you are happy not have your kernel packaged and under pacman's control.
you reconfig your kernel (i.e.- change it without compilation) by command sysctl (for example- you can change swapiness)
Awesome, thanks! Do you know how I could go about turning off each of the CONFIG_DRM options in the kernel using sysctl? Thanks!
Hrm... As root, I issued "sysctl -a > file.txt" and looked through file.txt for config_drm but did not see it. Does that mean it is an option which cannot be changed without recompilation of the kernel?
Yes. As man sysctl says, it's a tool for configuring kernel parameters. Removing kernel functionality, as you wish to do, requires a rebuild.
Ah, okay. Thanks.
you reconfig your kernel (i.e.- change it without compilation) by command sysctl (for example- you can change swapiness)
that is not really true:
it only allows to change parameters that concerns existing kernel, has nothing to do with building custom kernel.
now a lot of these is really cryptic so setting sysctl (stable changes through /etc/sysct.conf or modifications will be gone after reboot) is actually more difficult that is seems.
swappiness paramater only proves my point:
this is a parameter that you can change VM behavior but it has nothing to do with compiling kernel.
Last edited by broch (2008-11-25 17:33:05)
Pages: 1