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Hi all,
New to Arch (using various linux variants for 5 yrs). Having a weird problem with the fluxbox-cvs version installed using the PKGBUILD on this forum.
Right-clicking the mouse on the desktop brings up the Blackbox menu which contains 3 entries; xterm, restart, & exit.
Have checked ~/.fluxbox/init and ~/.fluxbox/menu to ensure everything was in order (which it was). Have googled, searched the forums, read (some of) the docs, etc.
Any ideas on where next to look? John
/usr/share/fluxbox/menu perhaps?
last time i used fluxbox it had the same base menu as blackbox.
i have never been able to get .flux/blackbox to work. so i just edit the root menu than make a backup in case there are any upgrades.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
another remote possibility is that the menu script is broken in the CVS version you have built You never know!
i have never been able to get .flux/blackbox to work. so i just edit the root menu than make a backup in case there are any upgrades.
really? what kind of problems do you have?
never reads my .whateverbox dir/file/whatever.
not a big deal though. it forces me to keep a backup of that ever so important menu file for later should i ever need it for any manu making.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
Another solution can be to run fluxbox-generate-menu, it is a little script that is packaged with the fluxbox binaries that helps you with menu generation. If fluxbox-generate-menu doesnt pick up on all of your applications, you need to edit the script and add some directories(since it cant look for everything, it just looks for general things)
You can also always edit the menu file in .fluxbox/menu(man fluxbox should fill you in on syntax for menu editing if you dont know it already), and make sure .fluxbox/init file has the correct menu code:
session.menuFile: ~.fluxbox/menu
Thanks for the responses. Should have mentioned in the original post that I also have Debian installed with fluxbox (testing repository) and the menus on that were fine ..... until I installed fluxbox-cvs on the Arch partition (/home is common). So I suspect dibblethewrecker is correct in that it is probably a cvs issue, though I can't figure out where in my /home the menu file has been overwritten. (it is not as if I've a .fluxbox and a .fluxbox_cvs).
Have run fluxbox-generate_menu which is creating an appropriate menu file and placing it correctly. I've extracts from both files below. If anyone sees anything wrong please let me know.
Thanks, John.
**** .fluxbox/menu *****
[begin] (Fluxbox)
[exec] (xterm) {xterm}
[exec] (Run) {fbrun}
[submenu] (Terminals)
[exec] (xterm) {xterm}
[submenu] (Net)
[submenu] (Browsers)
[submenu] (Mail)
[exec] (mutt) {xterm -e mutt}
[submenu] (Editors)
[exec] (emacs) {emacs}
[exec] (xedit) {xedit}
[submenu] (Multimedia)
[submenu] (Graphics)
[exec] (gimp) {gimp}
[exec] (xscreensaver-demo) {xscreensaver-demo}
[submenu] (Music)
[submenu] (Misc)
[exec] (gmplayer) {gmplayer}
[submenu] (X-utils)
[exec] (xfontsel) {xfontsel}
[exec] (xman) {xman}
[exec] (xload) {xload}
[exec] (editres) {editres}
[exec] (viewres) {viewres}
[exec] (xclock) {xclock}
[submenu] (Office)
[exec] (xclock) {xclock}
[exec] (xcalc) {xcalc}
[exec] (acroread) {acroread}
[submenu] (Games)
[exec] (xeyes) {xeyes}
[submenu] (Fluxbox-menu)
[submenu] (Styles) {Choose a style...}
[stylesdir] (/usr/share/fluxbox/styles)
[stylesdir] (~/.fluxbox/styles)
[workspaces] (Workspace List)
[submenu] (Tools)
[exec] (Windowname) {xprop|grep WM_CLASS|cut -d " -f 2|xmessage -file - -center}
[exec] (Run) {fbrun}
[reconfig] (Reload config)
[restart] (Restart)
[exit] (Exit)
****** .fluxbox/init (partof) ***********
session.menuFile: ~.fluxbox/menu
# Have tried explicitly defining path also to no avail
Try to cvs update and recompile. I see nothing wrong with your menu configuration, and as long as the init path is correct, and the file exists in .fluxbox/menu, the menu should be working.
I dont suspect cvs is broken:
Changelog for cvs version, last entry was for menuitems, but I have updated since 9-01-04 and have no problems. Other then that, im all out of ideas.