You are not logged in.
Its only one conky instance. Just looks like many
I took the sen's configuration ( just changed a little (merged all configs into one and made minor edits). Btw here it is: . You can download the font from
The boxes you created around conky, are those in your wallpaper? (horrible noob warning)
Cerebral: "Welcome to the distro. You'll never leave. Mwahaha"
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
mind sharing the wallpaper?
mind sharing the wallpaper?
donno about the original, so i have one only with 1024x600 resolution, perfect for my eee pc. here u go
"You know what I found? Right in the kernel, in the heart of the operating system, I found a developer's comment that said, `Does this belong here?`" -- Simon Lok about Linux kernel in 2005
Reflections on the Strange and the not so Strange
cdwilli where you found the wallpaper?
slipper: can you post your conkyrc??? (Spanish) All what i Do in the linux world!!!
Arch User... Feel Free... Feel Speed....
Someone else had that wallpaper on the forum here. I don't remember where I found it eventually, so I posted it on my photobucket album for you:
Here`s my desktop
openbox, conky, tint2, moc, lostirc, pcmanfm, urxvt, beaver, kazehakase
Wow, that looks fantastic! Probably my favorite so far.
moljac024: No one really knows what happens inside /dev/null... it could be a gateway to another universe....
dunc: If it is, the people who live there must be getting pretty annoyed by now with all the junk we send them.
slipper: can you post your conkyrc???
Wall of text begins-
this is at the start of every one:
default_color 383838
color0 FFFFFF
color1 CC24FF
background yes
use_xft yes
use_spacer none
double_buffer yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders yes
border_width 0
border_margin 5
draw_shades no
font Deja Vu Sans Mono:size=7
xftalpha 1
uppercase yes
update_interval 1
own_window yes
own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar
own_window_colour 383838
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type override
alignment bottom_left
maximum_width 256
minimum_size 256
gap_x 10.20
gap_y 10
${color1}${offset 5}SYSTEM
${color0}KERN: ${offset 10}${kernel}
HOST: ${offset 10}${nodename}
TIME: ${offset 10}${uptime}
RPRC: ${offset 10}${running_processes}
TPRC: ${offset 10}${processes}
gap_x 276.40
gap_y 10
${color1}${offset 5}NETWORK
${color0}TLUP: ${offset 10}${totalup eth0}
TLDN: ${offset 10}${totaldown eth0}
UPSD: ${offset 10}${upspeed eth0}
DNSD: ${offset 10}${downspeed eth0}
CONN: ${offset 10}${tcp_portmon 1 65535 count}
gap_x 542.60
gap_y 10
${color1}${offset 5}SPACE
${color0}CPU1: ${cpu cpu1}%
CPU2: ${cpu cpu2}%
MEMR: ${mem} - ${memperc}%
ROOT: ${fs_free /} - ${fs_free_perc /}%
EXTD: ${fs_free /mnt/ext_1} - ${fs_free_perc /mnt/ext_1}%
gap_x 808.80
gap_y 10
${color1}${offset 5}MUSIC
${color0}SONG: ${execi 30 ~/.scripts/ -d TI}
ALBM: ${execi 30 ~/.scripts/ -d AL}
ARTS: ${execi 30 ~/.scripts/ -d AR}
${color1}${offset 5}WEATHER
${color0}WNOW: ${execi 300 ~/.scripts/ "where|i|live"}
gap_x 1085
gap_y 10
${color1}${offset 5}RSS
${color0}XKCD: ${rss 1440 item_titles 1}
ARCH: ${rss 1440 item_titles 1}
OCAU: ${rss 120 item_titles 1}
${color1}${offset 5}OTHER
${color0}VERS: ${conky_version}
Last edited by slipper (2008-12-08 06:11:47)
Offline … 69d20c.png
Apps: fbpanel, conky, ario, firefox.
mind sharing your conkyrc + fbpanel conf? looks kinda nice!
atomkarinca wrote: … 69d20c.png
Apps: fbpanel, conky, ario, firefox.
mind sharing your conkyrc + fbpanel conf? looks kinda nice!
Here's my conkyrc:
background yes
use_xft yes
# xft font when Xft is enabled
xftfont LucidaMacBold:size=8
override_utf8_locale yes
# Text alpha when using Xft
xftalpha 1
update_interval 1
draw_shades no
draw_outline yes
draw_borders no
stippled_borders no
border_margin 0
border_width 1
default_color BFFFB7 #3FB2C1 #CFE5D3 #BFFFB7 #B1B1B1 #FF8086 #61FFE2 #7EFFF7 #7EB6FF #BAF5FF #BFFFB7 #FFF2E6 #9DFFDD #B599FF
default_shade_color ffffff
default_outline_color 303030
own_window yes
own_window_transparent no
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager,below
own_window_colour 121212
alignment bottom_left
gap_x 0
gap_y 14
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
double_buffer yes
use_spacer none
minimum_size 1440 0
mail_spool $HOME/Maildir/
#${rss 60 feed_title}
${voffset -4}${hr 1}
${font LucidaGrande:size=12}${color ffffff}Zaman | Gündem${goto 256}Zaman | Ekonomi${goto 512}Zaman | Dünya${goto 768}Zaman | Spor
${font}${rss 10 item_title 0}${goto 256}${rss 10 item_title 0}${goto 512}${rss 10 item_title 0}${goto 768}${rss 10 item_title 0}
${font}${rss 10 item_title 1}${goto 256}${rss 10 item_title 1}${goto 512}${rss 10 item_title 1}${goto 768}${rss 10 item_title 1}
${font}${rss 10 item_title 2}${goto 256}${rss 10 item_title 2}${goto 512}${rss 10 item_title 2}${goto 768}${rss 10 item_title 2}
${font}${rss 10 item_title 3}${goto 256}${rss 10 item_title 3}${goto 512}${rss 10 item_title 3}${goto 768}${rss 10 item_title 3}
${font}${rss 10 item_title 4}${goto 256}${rss 10 item_title 4}${goto 512}${rss 10 item_title 4}${goto 768}${rss 10 item_title 4}
${voffset 0}${hr 1}
CPU: ${cpubar cpu0 5,100} | MEM: ${membar 5,100} $mem / $memmax | ROOT: ${fs_bar 5,100 /} ${fs_used /} / ${fs_size /} | 320 GB: ${fs_bar 5,100 /media/atomant} ${fs_used /media/atomant} / ${fs_size /media/atomant} | DOWN: ${downspeedf eth0} KB/s | UP: ${upspeedf eth0} KB/s
and fbpanel configuration:
# fbpanel <profile> config file
# see for complete configuration guide
Global {
edge = top
allign = left
margin = 0
widthtype = percent
width = 100
height = 24
transparent = false
tintcolor = #333333
alpha = 37
setdocktype = true
setpartialstrut = true
autohide = false
heightWhenHidden = 2
Plugin {
type = space
config {
size = 2
Plugin {
type = menu
config {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/archlinux-icon-crystal-256.svg
menu {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/web-browser.png
name = Net
item {
image = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/pidgin.png
name = Pidgin
action = pidgin
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/amule.xpm
name = aMule
action = amule
item {
image = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/gnome-web-browser.svg
name = Epiphany
action = epiphany
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/firefox.png
name = Firefox
action = firefox
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/gftp.png
name = gFTP
action = gftp
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/utorrent.png
name = uTorrent
action = utorrent
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png
name = Skype
action = skype
menu {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/amarok.png
name = Muse
menu {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/arts.png
name = Music
item {
image = /usr/share/ardour2/icons/ardour_icon_48px.png
name = Ardour
action = ardour2
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/hydrogen.svg
name = Hydrogen
action = hydrogen
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/jack-rack-icon.png
name = Jack Rack
action = jack-rack
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/qjackctl.png
name = Jack Control
action = qjackctl
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/mixxx-icon.png
name = Mixxx
action = mixxx
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/qsynth.png
name = QSynth
action = qsynth
item {
image = /media/atomant/soft/rakarrack.png
name = Rakarrack
action = rakarrack
item {
image = /opt/kde/share/icons/hicolor/128x128/apps/rosegarden.png
name = Rosegarden
action = rosegarden
item {
image = /usr/share/tuxguitar/share/skins/Lavender/about_description.png
name = TuxGuitar
action = tuxguitar
item {
name = Virtual Keyboard
action = vkeybd
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/zynaddsubfx.ico
name = ZynAddSubFX
action = zynaddsubfx
menu {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/desktop-effects.png
name = Graphics
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/blender.svg
name = Blender
action = blender
item {
image = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/gimp.svg
name = The GIMP
action = gimp
item {
image = /usr/share/inkscape/icons/inkscape.svg
name = Inkscape
action = inkscape
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/drivel-48.png
name = Drivel
action = drivel
menu {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/media-player-48.png
name = A/V
item {
image = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/ario.png
name = Ario
action = ario
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/consonance.png
name = Consonance
action = consonance
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/exaile.png
name = Exaile
action = exaile
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/quodlibet.png
name = QuodLibet
action = quodlibet
item {
image = /usr/share/rhythmbox/icons/hicolor/scalable/status/rhythmbox-notplaying.svg
name = Rhythmbox
action = rhythmbox
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/smplayer.png
name = SMPlayer
action = smplayer
item {
image = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/vlc.png
name = VLC
action = vlc
menu {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/khelpcenter.png
name = Fun
item {
image = /usr/share/foobillard/foobillard.png
name = Foobillard
action = foobillard
item {
image = /usr/share/xmoto/xmoto_icone_x.ico
name = XMoto
action = xmoto
menu {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/Thunar.png
name = Tools
item {
image = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/Thunar.svg
name = Thunar
action = thunar
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/graveman48.png
name = Graveman
action = graveman
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/geany.png
name = Geany
action = geany
item {
image = /usr/share/gedit-2/logo/gedit-logo.png
name = Gedit
action = gedit
item {
image = /usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/anjuta.svg
name = Anjuta
action = anjuta
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/stardict.png
name = Stardict
action = stardict
item {
image = /usr/share/pixmaps/firestarter.png
name = Firestarter
action = gksu firestarter
separator {
item {
name = configure
command = configure
item {
image = /home/atomant/.icons/Buuf-Deuce/128x128/apps/gnome-shutdown.png
name = Shut Down
action = sudo halt
Plugin {
type = space
config {
size = 5
Plugin {
type = launchbar
config {
button {
icon = gnome-fs-home
tooltip = ROX file manager
action = thunar
button {
icon = gnome-terminal
tooltip = Terminal
action = xterm
button {
icon = web-browser
tooltip = Firefox web browser
action = firefox-nightly
button {
icon = arts
tooltip = Ario
action = ario
Plugin {
type = space
config {
size = 8
Plugin {
type = wincmd
config {
icon = gnome-fs-desktop
tooltip = Left click to iconify all windows. Middle click to shade them.
Plugin {
type = space
config {
size = 7
Plugin {
type = icons
config {
DefaultIcon = /usr/share/fbpanel/images/default.xpm
application {
icon = gnome-terminal
ClassName = XTerm
application {
icon = gnome-terminal
ClassName = mlterm
application {
icon = gnome-terminal
ClassName = URxvt
application {
icon = gnome-emacs
ClassName = Emacs
application {
icon = mozilla-firefox
ClassName = Firefox-bin
application {
icon = mozilla-firefox
ClassName = Firefox
Plugin {
type = space
config {
size = 5
Plugin {
type = taskbar
expand = true
config {
ShowIconified = true
ShowMapped = true
ShowAllDesks = false
tooltips = true
IconsOnly = false
MaxTaskWidth = 150
Plugin {
type = tray
Plugin {
type = pager
config {
showwallpaper = true
Plugin {
type = dclock
config {
ClockFmt = %R
TooltipFmt = %A %x
Action = xmessage Please define some command &
color = #BBBBBB
thx a lot
Finally Arch on my laptop
, following the KISS
WM: Openbox
Gtk : FreshDark by hcalves (dA)
ObTheme: Orblack slim mod by me
Wallpaper : DEUCE for vista by invaderjones (dA)
Icons: Allgrey
Fonts : MyriadPro (GTK) Anonymous/Monaco (GVim, found in aur, ttf_anonymous) and nu (Conky & tint , artwiz-fonts, can be found in aur)
Gvim Color scheme : Vitamins by hcalves
Thanks alot to hcalves who shared his gvimrc.
And of course i will share my configs if anyone asks for them
Last edited by FaN_OnLy1 (2008-12-11 18:15:28)
Can you tell me what your using for the top bar and the bottom bar?
I really like how your top bar has the text telling you your wifi and battery info. Also your bottom bar looks like it has an intergrated pager thats pretty slick.
Real nice simple desktop
I use the following :
Conky : Wifi and Battery info
Netwmpager : pager to the left of the panel
tint : panel
stalonetray : systray
Of course you have to edit those files according to your screen size, here i use 1280x800 setup (well only your tint rc and netwmpager files), i have let some comments for you if you want to use them.
double_buffer yes
#own window to run simultanious 2 or more conkys
own_window yes
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_hints undecorate,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_colour 262729
#draw_borders no
border_margin 1
maximum_widith 0
draw_shades no
draw_graph_borders yes
gap_x 8
gap_y 2
alignment top_right
update_interval 1.0
use_xft yes
color0 e2e2e5
color1 b1d631
${font nu}${color0}Wifi (${wireless_essid wlan0}): ${color1}${wireless_link_qual_perc wlan0}${color0}% // Battery (${color1}${acpiacadapter}${color0}): ${color1}${battery_percent BAT1}${color0}% ${battery_time BAT1}
panel_mode = single_desktop
panel_monitor = 1
panel_position = bottom left
#here you should use ScreenWidth - 48 (48 being the width of netwmpager)
panel_size = 1232 20
# 48 , the width of netwmpager
panel_margin = 48 0
panel_padding = 8 0
font_shadow = 0
panel_rounded = 0
panel_border_width = 0
panel_background_color = #242424 100
panel_border_color = #ffffff 18
task_text_centered = 1
task_width = 160
task_margin = 6
task_padding = 6
task_icon_size = 0
task_font = nu 12
task_font_color = #e2e2e5 100
task_active_font_color = #242424 100
task_rounded = 0
task_background_color = #242424 100
task_active_background_color = #e2e2e5 100
task_border_width = 0
task_border_color = #ffffff 0
task_active_border_color = #000000 85
time1_format = %H:%M / %a %d %b
clock_font_color = #e2e2e5 100
time1_font = nu 10
mouse_middle = close
mouse_right = none
mouse_scroll_up = toggle
mouse_scroll_down = iconify
# copy this file to ~/.config/netwmpager/config
# desktop layout
# set both to -1 to use default values (set by window manager)
cols = -1
rows = -1
# window geometry
# set height to 0 to make it automatically calculated
geometry = "48x20-1232+780"
# show window title popups?
show_popups = true
# show sticky windows in pager?
show_sticky = false
# show window titles in pager?
show_titles = false
# below, normal, above
layer = "below"
# opacity. 0.0 = transparent, 1.0 = normal
# Requires Xcomposite extension in X and
# xcompmgr or composition manager in WM.
opacity = 1.0
# allow other windows to cover pager?
allow_cover = true
# -- fonts --
# run `fc-list' to see available fonts
# format: "<family>:<option>=<value>:<option>=<value>..."
# some options:
# size font size
# weight light, medium, demibold, bold or black
# slant roman, italic or oblique
# antialias true or false
# More information:
popup_font = "nu:size=8"
window_font = "nu:size=7"
# -- colors --
active_desk_color = "rgb:e2/e2/e5"
inactive_desk_color = "rgb:24/24/24"
win_border_color = "rgb:0/0/0"
grid_color = "rgb:00/00/00"
active_win_color = "rgb:7e/8a/a2"
active_win_font_color = "rgb:0/0/0"
inactive_win_color = "rgb:f6/f6/f6"
inactive_win_font_color = "rgb:0/0/0"
popup_color = "rgb:24/24/24"
popup_font_color = "rgb:7e/8a/a2"
and i changed my systray to stalonetray, it shows on the bottom right when i mouse over on my panel clock like this :
# This is sample ~/.stalonetrayrc, resembling default configuration.
# Remember: command line parameters take precedence.
# Directives introduced in 0.7.6 are marked with "NEW in 0.7.6"
# stalonetray understands following directives
# background <color> # color can be specified as an HTML hex triplet or
# as a name from rgb.txt, note that '#' must be quoted
background "#242424"
# decorations <decspec> # set trays window decorations; possible values for
# decspec are: all, title, border, none
decorations title
# display <display name> # as usual
# dbg_level <int> # controls the amount of debug info (for this setting to
# have effect, stalonetray sources must have been
# configured and compiled with --enable-debug)
# dbg_level 0
# fuzzy_edges [<level>] # enable fuzzy edges and set fuzziness level. level
# can be from 0 (disabled) to 3; this setting works
# with tinting and/or transparent and/or pixmap
# backgrounds (NEW in 0.7)
fuzzy_edges 0
# geometry <geometry> # tray's geometry in standard X notation
geometry 120x20-0-0
# grow_gravity <gravity> # one of N, S, E, W, NW, NE, SW, SE; tray will grow
# in the direction opposite to one specified by
# grow_gravity; if horizontal or vertical
# direction is not specified, tray will not grow in
# that direction
grow_gravity SE
# icon_gravity <gravity> # icon placement gravity, one of NW, NE, SW, SE
icon_gravity SE
# icon_size <int> # specifies dimensions of typical icon slot
icon_size 16
# ignore_icon_resize [<bool>] # ignore icon attempts to resize their windows
# (NEW in 0.7)
ignore_icon_resize false
# max_width <int> # specifies maximal tray's width (0 = no limit)
max_width 0
# max_height <int> # specifies maximal tray's height (0 = no limit)
max_height 20
# no_shrink [<bool>] # disables shrink-back mode (NEW in 0.7)
no_shrink false
# parent_bg [<bool>] # whether to use pseudo-transparency
# (looks better when reparented into smth like FvwmButtons)
parent_bg false
# pixmap_bg <path_to_xpm> # use pixmap from specified xpm file for (tiled) background
# pixmap_bg /home/user/.stalonetraybg.xpm
# respect_icon_hints [<bool>] # try to respect icon hints (NEW in 0.7)
respect_icon_hints false
# skip_taskbar [<bool>] # hide tray`s window from the taskbar
skip_taskbar true
# sticky [<bool>] # make a tray`s window sticky across the
# desktops/pages
sticky true
# tint_color <color> # set tinting color (NEW in 0.7)
tint_color white
# tint_level <level> # set tinting level; level ranges from 0 (disabled)
# to 255 (NEW in 0.7)
tint_level 0
# transparent [<bool>] # whether to use root-transparency (background
# image must be set with Esetroot or compatible utility)
transparent false
# vertical [<bool>] # whether to use vertical layout (horisontal layout
# is used by default)
vertical true
# window_layer <layer> # set the EWMH-compatible window layer; one of:
# bootom, normal, top
window_layer normal
# window_type <type> # set the EWMH-compatible window type; one of:
# dock, normal, toolbar, utility
window_type dock
# withdrawn [<bool>] # start withdrawn (NEW in 0.7, prior to that
# withdrawn mode was default!)
withdrawn true
# xsync [<bool>] # whether to operate on X server synchronously (SLOOOOW)
xsync false
And then open obconf to the dock section and set it to appear on bottom right, and chose hide from screen.
That's it
Last edited by FaN_OnLy1 (2008-12-13 18:09:51)
yeah that's quite cool Fan! how did you get this drop shadow behind the openbox thingy? :>
yeah that's quite cool Fan! how did you get this drop shadow behind the openbox thingy? :>
xcompmgr -cC