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#1 2008-12-05 03:18:31

Registered: 2008-12-05
Posts: 99

Question about installing Gnome

Hey everyone. I'm currently a Ubuntu user planning on trying out Arch Linux after my exams are done (in 2 weeks big_smile).

I understand that in order to install Gnome, i need to update pacman using the commands 'pacman -Syu'  and 'pacman -Syy'. After this process i can install gnome by using the command 'pacman -S gnome gnome-extra'.

However, one thing that i couldn't find was whether or not this command will install the latest version of Gnome, which i believe is version 2.24.

One other general question i have is, how do i know which version the application i'm trying to install is when the commands are simply 'pacman -S [application name]'?

Thanks for your help.


#2 2008-12-05 03:27:49

Andy Mack
Registered: 2008-06-16
Posts: 133

Re: Question about installing Gnome

Pacman -Syu is all you need.

It will install the latest gnome which is 2.24.
When you do Pacman -S application name it shows you the version number too.


#3 2008-12-05 03:38:25

Registered: 2008-06-15
Posts: 453

Re: Question about installing Gnome

Arch has a rolling release system. So most of the packages will be the latest. And Arch usually will have just one version of a package.

If you want  information about a package version etc then you can use -Si , -Qi etc.

Read the pacman man page after you install.

PS: gnome is a group package. So you will have to check the version info on gnome-desktop ...

Hope this helps smile

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#4 2008-12-05 03:41:33

Registered: 2008-12-05
Posts: 99

Re: Question about installing Gnome

Yup! Thanks a lot for the quick replies Andy and u_no_hu. I just wanted to make sure i can setup Arch Linux easily like the way you two described it.

Btw, after installing Gnome and GDM manually and restart, will Gnome and GDM automatically startup on its own? I think that's what the section 'Running the GNOME Desktop' is trying to say but it doesn't actually say 'adding this will allow Gnome to autostart when you turn on your computer' because all it says is 'GNOME will start when you enter the following command. startx'

Last edited by Chance (2008-12-05 03:50:44)


#5 2008-12-05 04:15:48

Registered: 2008-06-15
Posts: 453

Re: Question about installing Gnome

There are more than one way starting X.
gdm in daemons array in rc.conf
gdm in inittab
startx after logging in command line
startx in inittab which will give you autologin.

Everything is in the wiki. Read :-)

Don't be a HELP VAMPIRE. Please search before you ask.

Subscribe to The Arch Daily News.


#6 2008-12-05 13:52:38

Registered: 2008-11-12
Posts: 13

Re: Question about installing Gnome

if you are stuck, try

His articles helped me. And enjoy Arch - I think it is like a gulp of fresh air after Ubuntu 8.10


#7 2008-12-05 13:53:28

Registered: 2008-11-12
Posts: 13

Re: Question about installing Gnome

yep, and read Wiki. It is really easy and helpful.


#8 2008-12-05 17:48:57

Registered: 2008-12-05
Posts: 99

Re: Question about installing Gnome

Okay. Thanks for the tips everyone big_smile


#9 2008-12-05 18:03:43

Hrod beraht
Registered: 2008-09-30
Posts: 186

Re: Question about installing Gnome

Chance wrote:

One other general question i have is, how do i know which version the application i'm trying to install is when the commands are simply 'pacman -S [application name]'?

Use pacman -Ss [application name]. The second small 's' means search, so using pacman -Ss gnome would show you everything with 'gnome' in it's name. Among them is gnome-desktop, which shows as version 2.24.2-1



#10 2008-12-05 21:03:29

Registered: 2008-12-05
Posts: 99

Re: Question about installing Gnome

Hrod beraht wrote:
Chance wrote:

One other general question i have is, how do i know which version the application i'm trying to install is when the commands are simply 'pacman -S [application name]'?

Use pacman -Ss [application name]. The second small 's' means search, so using pacman -Ss gnome would show you everything with 'gnome' in it's name. Among them is gnome-desktop, which shows as version 2.24.2-1


Thanks Bob!


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