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The forums have three ways to show recent posts:
1. there's the "Show recent posts" link at the bottom of the page. This displays posts only from the last 24 hours. Occasionally I have to go more than 24 hours without visiting the forum, so I'm looking for a way to see threads ordered chronologically for longer periods.
2. there's the "Show new posts since last visit" link at the top of the page. This is tremendously useful. However, for one reason or another (browser crash, pressing wrong key in elinks, etc) it's not uncommon for me to accidentally create a "new new visit" before I've finished working through all the posts that were new during the previous new visit. If I've only been away from the forums for 24 hours, then I can just go back to option #1. If I've been away longer, that only gives me a subset of the messages I haven't seen yet.
3. one can go through the forums topics one by one, and see all of their threads displayed chronologically. This is what I now do when accidents of the sort I described in #2 happen. It's not incredibly difficult. But I would really appreciate a way to search/display together all the new messages from periods longer than 24 hours.
Is there any easy way to enable that in punbb? There doesn't even need to be a link to it on the main page. Even a tip in the search page which said: "Use or to search for recent posts from longer periods." would be helpful.
Would anyone else also find this helpful?
Sure, it would be nice to have, but even if I tried really hard it would be impossible (=spend more than 3h) to follow up on all posts of a day, let alone two days. So I fail to see the need for it.
Here are a few of my habits I developed on these forums:
a) browse the list of threads (search results) by clicking the numbered pages (Opera keeps them in cache so I could always jump forth and back in that tab without risking a refresh that leads to "no search results")
b) open each thread in a new tab
c) if you have dozens of threads/tabs open and want to reply to one, better reload it first - someone else might have already answered
d) tacos