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I just created if someone has time to review it (especially for typos )
It would seem to me that the purpose of that page is not to bring information on motd(5) itself but rather to share that script you've written. The actual information contained would be: "motd (Message of the day). This file is found in /etc that is displayed whenever some user log in, except they've specified a quiet login in their shell profile. A good place to display your Terms of Service to remind users of your local policies or anything you wish to tell.". The motd(5) man page contains about 2 paragraphs within the DESCRIPTION section (at the very least this happens on Arch Linux), so my question to you is this: why would a user turn to that specific wiki page instead of the man page? The wiki page doesn't bring more information (nor information of "higher quality") and it's about as "long" as the man page itself (so both are as easy to read).
Another thing, "Here is my script to create a MotD with some useful Information." <- I've seen that quite a few people are obsessed with having /etc/issue ; /etc/motd ; conky / whatever display things such as: architecture, cpu :: frankly I don't see the point in constantly being reminded of these things. All that information, should you need it, can be quickly and painlessly obtained by executing `uname -a`.
Last edited by string (2008-12-14 11:51:16)
Hey stirng thanks for your reply,
your right with the man page - though there is
not much information about it (its not that difficult topic)
I have moved it to … omize_Motd
I don't see the point of first creating a script to create a static motd...
Why not just post the actual contents of your motd?
M*cr*s*ft: Who needs quality when you have marketing?
Well because my motd looks like this
[01;37m Welcome [01;34m levski [01;37m to [01;34m myhost
[01;31m ARCH [01;37m= i686
[01;31m KERNEL [01;37m= 2.6.27-ARCH
[01;31m CPU [01;37m= Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz
And I think the script shows how to expand and modify it to your likings. (depending on your needs with uptime; /proc/; and so on)
Pages: 1