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This script addresses the annoyance of pacman lack of of upgrading groups, only individual packages.
Basically this issue (
When doing pacman -Syu it only checks for packages that need to be upgraded, but doesn't install new ones that are part of a previously installed group.
For exmaple:
pacman -S gnome-extra
*few weeks later*
gnome-extra adds 2-3 new packages
pacman -Syu doesn't catch this and install the 2-3 new packages.
Since there's no easy way to approach this without user input. I decided to put together a small script to give me the status of each group.
The script is very straight forward
Do a pacman -Sy in order to have the latest pkg information.
$ ./
base 98/98 %100.00
gnome-extra 41/41 %100.00
gnome 20/20 %100.00
base-devel 14/14 %100.00
compiz-fusion-git 12/12 %100.00
xorg 10/10 %100.00
gstreamer0.10-plugins 6/6 %100.00
compiz-fusion-plugins-makebelieve-git 2/2 %100.00
compiz-fusion-kde-git 10/12 %83.33
xfce4 3/21 %14.29
xorg-input-drivers 3/28 %10.71
xorg-video-drivers 2/33 %6.06
kde 1/19 %5.26
Incomplete groups with over 50% installed:
To update your system run:
pacman -S --needed compiz-fusion-kde-git
Threshold is set to 50% by default but can be overwritten by passing a number as the first argument.
For example in order to consider all groups with 12% or more packages installed:
$ ./ 12
base 98/98 %100.00
kde 1/19 %5.26
Incomplete groups with over 12% installed:
xfce4 compiz-fusion-kde-git
To update your system run:
pacman -S --needed xfce4 compiz-fusion-kde-git
(cropped for space)
The script:
Description: A simple script that informs the user of pacman groups that are
partially installed or upgraded.
Author: sabooky (archlinux forums)
import os
import sys
# Functions
# function to compare installed groups
def group_comp(a, b):
'''Compares pacman groups by percent, total group count'''
a_status = a[1]
b_status = b[1]
return cmp((a_status['percent'], a_status['total_cnt']),
(b_status['percent'], b_status['total_cnt']))
# Main script
# initial variables and user input
thresh = 50
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
thresh = int(sys.argv[1])
# get a list of all installed packages
installed_pkgs = set(x.strip() for x in os.popen('pacman -Qq'))
group_status = {}
# organise pacman groups installed/not installed
for line in os.popen('pacman -Sgg'):
group, pkg = line.split()
group_status.setdefault(group, {'installed': set(), 'not_installed': set()})
if pkg in installed_pkgs:
# add additional information to each groups dictionary
for group, status in group_status.iteritems():
status['installed_cnt'] = len(status['installed'])
status['not_installed_cnt'] = len(status['not_installed'])
status['total_cnt'] = status['installed_cnt'] + status['not_installed_cnt']
status['percent'] = (float(status['installed_cnt']) /
status['total_cnt']) * 100
# sort and output group information
for group, status in sorted(group_status.iteritems(),
cmp=group_comp, reverse=True):
# skip groups that have no packages intalled
if not status['percent']:
layout = "{group:<40} {installed_cnt:3}/{total_cnt:<3} %{percent:.02f}"
print layout.format(group=group, **status)
# summary line explaining how to fill in the missing groups
incomplete_groups = ' '.join(group for group, status in group_status.iteritems()
if thresh <= status['percent'] < 100)
if incomplete_groups:
summary_layout = "\nIncomplete groups with over {thresh}% installed:\n" \
"{0}\n\nTo update your system run:\npacman -S --needed {0}"
summary_layout = "\nThere are no groups with over {thresh}% installed"
print summary_layout.format(incomplete_groups, thresh=thresh)
Python 2.6 is required (I wanted to play with the new str.format functions).
There's information that I keep in the script thats not really used.. I did this to make it easy for me to add functionality to the script if I ever decide to do so.
PS: If this has been done already, let me know.. I didn't see anything but didn't really dig for this.
This is actually a good idea. If it's not implemented elsewhere maybe it's a candidate for pkgtools? Daenyth?
archlinux - please read this and this — twice — then ask questions.
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Pages: 1