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I just threw this together quickly for myself, thought I could share it if someone wanted it. I just changed the background to something that was liked in one of my screenshots, and then changed the apple logo to Arch
Last edited by haxit (2009-03-27 23:00:31)
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
Oh, nice. I'll give this a try later.
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
any chance for a slim version?
Check me out on twitter!!!
Full sized screenshots are bad. Please post a thumbnail linked to the full sized version
Is it just me, or is the Arch logo not centered? Otherwise i would definitely try it out
I need to install gdm now
would love a slim version
seems very good , thanks!
Is it just me, or is the Arch logo not centered? Otherwise i would definitely try it out
That's what I thought, too.
I actually have an (almost) excellent wallpaper here that uses the Fedora 8 (I think) artwork with the Arch logo, but I haven't released it anywhere because the logo's slightly off-centre and I'd hate anyone else to see it. I should really remake it properly sometime.
0 Ok, 0:1
Lol, you archies and critisim on my centering abilities
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
Lol, you archies and critisim on my centering abilities
Lol no really. It's a very nice theme. But if the centering gets fixed up i would definitely use it.
a another vote for a slim version, that would be great
Ok its starting to annoy me that its not centred now lol D;
/ me go back into PS :S
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
Ok, here is the main_box.png file. I edited it so its centered. Just replace it in the theme folder. I hope you guys know how to do that, if not, I can make you a howto. (That was a joke...)
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
I will reupload this soon!
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
Hey, dont know if your interested but I converted your arch-leopard
GDM theme (which is awesome btw) to slim (ages ago). Just need to make
the background PNG and rename it to background.png and the panel to
panel.png, then use this in the slim.theme file.
# Arch Leopard
# Author: Gleidson Echeli <>
# Design: Haxit
# Original GDM theme:
# Slim theme conversion: Zariel <>
# Messages (ie: shutdown)
msg_color #FFFFFF
msg_font Sans:size=18:bold
msg_x 50%
msg_y 30%
msg_shadow_color #000000
msg_shadow_xoffset 1
msg_shadow_yoffset 1
# valid values: stretch, tile
background_style stretch
background_color #000000
# Input controls
input_panel_x 50%
input_panel_y 50%
input_name_x 180
input_name_y 233
input_font Sans:size=9:bold
input_fgcolor #FF0000
# Username / password request
username_font Sans:size=9:bold
username_color #FFFFFF
# souradnice username_msg
username_x 75
username_y 233
# souradnice password_msg
password_x 75
password_y 232
username_shadow_color #000000
username_shadow_xoffset 1
username_shadow_yoffset 1
username_msg username:
password_msg password:
Hey, dont know if your interested but I converted your arch-leopard
GDM theme (which is awesome btw) to slim (ages ago). Just need to make
the background PNG and rename it to background.png and the panel to
panel.png, then use this in the slim.theme file.# Arch Leopard # Author: Gleidson Echeli <> # Design: Haxit # Original GDM theme: # Slim theme conversion: Zariel <> # Messages (ie: shutdown) msg_color #FFFFFF msg_font Sans:size=18:bold msg_x 50% msg_y 30% msg_shadow_color #000000 msg_shadow_xoffset 1 msg_shadow_yoffset 1 # valid values: stretch, tile background_style stretch background_color #000000 # Input controls input_panel_x 50% input_panel_y 50% input_name_x 180 input_name_y 233 input_font Sans:size=9:bold input_fgcolor #FF0000 # Username / password request username_font Sans:size=9:bold username_color #FFFFFF # souradnice username_msg username_x 75 username_y 233 # souradnice password_msg password_x 75 password_y 232 username_shadow_color #000000 username_shadow_xoffset 1 username_shadow_yoffset 1 username_msg username: password_msg password:
Thank you for the conversion and the email!
Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.
do you have the converted graphics as I would love to use this as my slim theme?
I just did it with GIMP
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