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I don't know if this is the correct section of the forum, so if you think it should be posted somewhere else just tell me.
The forum search didn't give me any threads ("z-10" really isn't a good search term), where people talk about their experiences with the speakers mentioned in the topic (Link to product page).
These speakers have an internal sound device and I want to know if they work under Arch. The same for the built in display and the multimedia keys.
I'm looking forward to your advice.
I got some for free off a mate a few weeks ago. Yep the internal "sound card" works fine in both Alsa and OSS4, the keys all seem to work fine with the g15daemon running. I have g15mpd and g15stats running as well its pretty cool, and the huge clock is nice
Although I already have an Audigy 2 sound card so I just disabled the usb-audio device on the z10 left the usb plugged in. So I use the Audigy for sound as the usb-audio chews up loads of CPU just like onboard sound. If you arent concerned about CPU usage then its great, they sound awsome, bass response is amazing, and the high end is really nice too.
Thanks for your reply shazeal,
as I currently only have onboard sound I'm not concerned about the CPU usage.
Another option for me have been the Creative GigaWorks T20 Series II but you shifted me towards the Z-10.
I'll inform me first about the g15 things, though.
The Z-10 now stand on my desk
I had to change the "order" of the sound devices to get them work.
What did not work out of the box where the keys for volume +/- and mute. For them I edited my .xbindkeysrc:
"amixer sset PCM 10+ &"
m:0x10 + c:123
"amixer sset PCM 10- &"
m:0x10 + c:122
"amixer sset PCM toggle &"
m:0x10 + c:121
I also tried g15daemon and g15mpd. With g15daemon the three keys don't work too. Additional the daemon causes the speaker controls to freeze. The keys don't react and I can't even adjust the volume through sonata (or what else) since the volume stays on the same level.
I can't load alsamixer and I get the following message:
alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: Invalid argument
The same with g15mpd that also causes the display to freeze.
Nothing helps but rebooting.
Am I doing something wrong? I have g15daemon in my rc.conf - and sometime start g15mpd via gmrun. I also tried the module uinput.
Last edited by Barghest (2008-12-27 20:53:00)
Put this in your ~/.Xmodmap (Stolen from my main machine which runs gentoo that will sort all the keys. For the speaker volume I noticed that too when I tried them standalone, however I use the Audigy to play the sound so dont have the problem, and the usb module acts as a dummy just so I can control the speaker volume. Its almost certainly an ALSA problem since OSS4 controls the speaker volume fine.
keycode 93 = XF86Launch1
keycode 129 = XF86Launch8
keycode 130 = XF86Launch9
keycode 131 = XF86Launch2
keycode 132 = XF86Phone
keycode 133 = XF86Messenger
keycode 136 = XF86LaunchD
keycode 137 = XF86Support
keycode 138 = XF86Word
keycode 143 = XF86LaunchF
keycode 144 = XF86AudioPrev
keycode 150 = XF86LogOff
keycode 152 = XF86Launch5
keycode 153 = XF86AudioNext
keycode 160 = XF86AudioMute
keycode 161 = XF86Travel
keycode 162 = XF86AudioPlay
keycode 163 = XF86Spell
keycode 164 = XF86AudioStop
keycode 170 = XF86VendorHome
keycode 174 = XF86AudioLowerVolume
keycode 176 = XF86AudioRaiseVolume
keycode 177 = XF86Launch4
keycode 178 = XF86HomePage
keycode 182 = XF86Away
keycode 183 = XF86WebCam
keycode 184 = XF86Launch0
keycode 188 = XF86Music
keycode 190 = XF86Launch6
keycode 194 = XF86Forward
keycode 195 = XF86Send
keycode 205 = XF86Calendar
keycode 208 = XF86Launch7
keycode 209 = XF86LaunchB
keycode 210 = XF86LaunchC
keycode 215 = XF86Save
keycode 219 = XF86WWW
keycode 220 = XF86LaunchE
keycode 223 = XF86Sleep
keycode 228 = XF86Pictures
keycode 231 = XF86LaunchA
keycode 236 = XF86Mail
keycode 237 = XF86AudioMedia
keycode 246 = XF86iTouch
keycode 247 = XF86Launch3
keycode 249 = XF86ToDoList
keycode 251 = XF86Calculater
Last edited by shazeal (2009-01-07 12:38:26)