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I recently updated aspell-de, aspell-fr, aspell-el dictionaries, all of which are in 0.50 edition. I didn't update the aspell binary to 0.60 edition as I thought there would be a conflict. Now the relation between the binary and the dictionaries is broken. I realized that the dictionaries although of 0.50 edition they are packed in a 0.60 directory (/usr/lib/aspell-0.60).
My question is if I update the binary to 0.60 will it work with the 0.50 dictionaries?
From the site I quote
Dictionaries marked as "0.50" are available for Aspell 0.50. Ones marked as "0.60" are available for Aspell 0.60 only.
the aspell-0.5 series dicts hve been rebuilt against aspell-0.60 binary. My
German dictionary in Sylpheed claws just works fine.
The only trouble with aspell dictionaries (unless this version change is really something more, like change of format etc. - AFAIK in this case it isn't) is that during the build process it seeks for a current version of aspell package (by running some commands) and this version number is then added to subdirectory name. That's why dictionaries built against aspell 0.5 will not work if you upgrade only aspell to 0.6. I dunno why it's designed this way but "recompiling" a dictionary package (after an upgrade of aspell to 0.6) using abs will upgrade it to 0.6.
Thanks for the answers. I upgraded the binary to 0.60 and now it does work. The only thing I had to do is to create a symblink from /usr/lib/aspell-0.60 to /usr/lib/aspell.