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As far as I can tell, Kooka now requires ocrad. Apparently it used to use gocr, but after installing it and setting it up and restarting kooka, the OCR dialog still wants ocrad. I'm guessing that the select engine option screen does just that and ocrad is needed for something else. So, I made a package, uploaded it to Incoming, and I'm about to file a bug report.
Here's the PKGBUILD:
# Contributor: Andrew Corrigan <>
pkgdesc="GNU Ocrad is an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program implemented as a filter and based on a feature extraction method."
build() {
cd $startdir/src/$pkgname-$pkgver
./configure --prefix=/usr
make || return 1
make prefix=$startdir/pkg/usr install
there is gocr as alternative (can be found in staging)
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
Ya, I mentioned that I tried gocr (although not very clearly).
I've never used Kooka before, but comparing the OCR screenshot in the manual (which only shows gocr), and the OCR screen I get with KDE 3.3, I think something has changed.
Ya, I mentioned that I tried gocr (although not very clearly).
I've never used Kooka before, but comparing the OCR screenshot in the manual (which only shows gocr), and the OCR screen I get with KDE 3.3, I think something has changed.
sorry, my fault - wasn't concentrated while writing
maybe building kdegraphics against gocr is needed (some versions before, i maintained kde and maybe it worked because i have gocr installed on my machine and it by chance compiled with gocr support ... i will check this with the now-maintainer of kde)
thanx for pkg and thanx for mentioning
The impossible missions are the only ones which succeed.
Pages: 1