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#1 2008-12-27 03:29:37

From: Upstate, SC
Registered: 2008-07-02
Posts: 138

Wiki HCL // Rename Request

Wiki HCL
Is anybody interested pushing all these small and mostly useless wiki entries for laptops and hardware into the HCL?   Here's what I mean:

Instead of having a wiki entry for every single laptop ... most of which has nothing or nearly nothing to say, why not merge them all into the relevant HCL page in the wiki, like so:

This of interest to anybody?   Anybody willing to aid in this effort?

Rename Requests
Can we get a thread pinned in here for rename requests?  I've found losts of stuff over time that needs to be renamed, and end up coming here to post a thread for each request.   Why not just one pinned clearinghouse thread for all of these requests?   In the spirit of things:

I need this:
Renamed to "Lenovo Thinkpad T61".

Res Publica Non Dominetur

Laptop:  Arch x86 | Thinkpad X220 | Core i5 2410-M | 8 GB DDR3 | Sandy Bridge
Desktop:  Arch x86_64 | Custom | Core i7 920 | 6 GB DDR3 | GeForce 260 GTX


#2 2008-12-27 13:21:40

Misfit Emeritus
From: USA
Registered: 2006-11-27
Posts: 4,189

Re: Wiki HCL // Rename Request

There is already an entry named Lenovo Thinkpad T61.
Maybe you'd like to combine the two, and delete the IBM version?


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