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I need to buy me a computer and I want to know what should I buy :
a server with two pentium 3 processors at 933 mhz or an athlon xp 2500+.
I wanna know which one you think is faster.
Do those processors run both in parralel or one replaces the other when is broken ?
will a server work as a personal pc (without games of course ) , can I put my ata 133 , 80GB hdd and my teac cdrw on it ? or am I stuck with it's scsi 18GB hdd ?
can I put my video card on it (geforce 2)?
thank you
Forever newbie !!!
Warning: This posting is biased. I'm a sucker for SMP machines for 7 years now.
Archlinux in general can use both processors simultaniosly as long as the
app is using multithreaded design, read can do two things by the same
A nice way to imagine what that does mean:
A renderer (such as povray) might use CPU1 to render the upper half of
the image and CPU2 for the second half. This way you can use both CPUs
simultaniously. (I dunno if povray is really SMP aware, Cinema 4D handle
it this way)
As second CPU never replaces the first one if it gets broken. Most likely
your box will crash at all if one CPU gets broken.
Generally, I think for most tasks the Athlon will be faster, but if you like to
do several things simultaniously such as cdripping and gimping your box
will be more responsive with the two p3.
I am assuming, because you say it is a server, the P3s are xeons, correct?
I'd shoot for the xeons because their cache is usually through the roof, making alot of stuff faster...
however, up the athlon to a FX and i'd say go with that... but just an athlon xp.... the P3s should be on par if not faster
I would go with the dual p3s, unless you intend to play games and such.
it's like comparing a car with a four wheel drive with a racing car - they fill different needs.
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.
why can't i have the best of both worlds, ha ha...
a racing car with four wheel drive that flys and blows candy out the exhaust instead of smoke....
why can't i have the best of both worlds, ha ha...
a racing car with four wheel drive that flys and blows candy out the exhaust instead of smoke....
that is why we have bikes, man!
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.
the processors are not xeon !!!
for every day use, can I go with it ?
can I put my hdd in that case, my cdrw, my videocard, my soundcard ?
I don't intend to play games (except bzflag ) !!!
Forever newbie !!!
yeah you'll be fine with either one... hell (not counting my uber laptop) I have a P3 866 running arch and it's great... except for the ~3 second delay starting firefox...
the processors are not xeon !!!
for every day use, can I go with it ?
can I put my hdd in that case, my cdrw, my videocard, my soundcard ?
I don't intend to play games (except bzflag) !!!
That they are not xeons doesn't matter so much. My dual 466 Celeron retired
a year ago (today I wished i had make it my server) But at this time it was
running Arch with xfce4 and it ran fine. I would even think the dual p3 has
enough juice to pump any DE on it. Well, unsharp masking big pics in the
gimp will take longer then with the Athlon, but I think your system will be
better in general. All in all it will depend on what your day to day work is
exactly. Writing, Coding, graphic design?
As long as it fit's physically the other hardware will work with it, I think.
Are your cards all PCI and does the new board offers as many PCI slots?
Then everything is fine.
this means I can use my hardware with it ?
Forever newbie !!!
this means I can use my hardware with it ?
I just edited my messag cuz I forgot that point. *sigh* you were faster...
In general I think so, you can use it. Any change of hardware of that
importance will have to be considred well, means, make backups of your
data! But I can't think of problems with the P3 which can't happen with the
Athlon, too. Except the P3 board doesn't offer enough PCI slots. But even
my old Celeron board had 5 of which.
Wether or not they're xeons will make a huge difference, in a situation where your taking advantage of SMP, more cache helps as well.
Unless your doing a lot of server oriented tasks, I'd go with the Barton (XP2500). I dare say even in a lot of rendering situations that the Barton will have a slight speed advantage to the P3s, due to the updated instruction set among other things. And I believe that both P3s combined only have a slightly higher IPC than the Barton...
I'd go with the dually rig personally, just because it would be fun - and I already have a Barton box. the barton will be faster (in my opinion at least. They will vary for different tasks), but the duals will be sweeter.
"Ignorance is bliss, for stupid people."
"open-source is [...] programming Darwinism."
Well, all the arguments right now are great, but how about a solid AMD vs. Intel? Oddly enough, (the Athlon XP, SP, and FX lines are amazing), my Athlon XP 1700+, with similar other hardware outperforms my friends 2.5 Ghz P4 in many benchmarks, and matches/comes very close in others. It's a very general argument, so there isn't much technical data to back this up, just real world tests, and it does depend on which AMD and Intel CPUs you pick, but I still always recommend AMD.
Dual systems are nice though, and, if nothing else, UT2004 will be amazingly faster, but it doesn't matter if you're not going to be playing UT2004.
If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.
- John Cage
i got this
! info there !
and i use it as a desktop computer i find it was cheaper going for an old smp machine and guess wath i will never go single cpu again
Version: 3.1
GU/ d- s: a- C L U P+ L+++ E--- W+
N 0+ K- W-- !O !M V-- PS+ PE- V++ PGP T 5 Z+ R* TV+ B+
DI-- D- G-- e-- h! r++ z+ z*
so far I'm going with the dual p3
Forever newbie !!!
aCoder - what kind of comparison are you looiking for? You really can't give a straight AMD vs Intel. Throw some CPU models out there and I'll give it a shot though.
"Ignorance is bliss, for stupid people."
"open-source is [...] programming Darwinism."
Pages: 1