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Hello and Happy New Year everyone,
I'm a user that has just recently decided to try and switch to Linux as the main OS for all things that don't concern gaming. I've been using the "server side" of Linux at work for a couple years now, but when it comes to its desktop part I consider myself not fully competent yet. Under recommendation of a friend I decided to give Arch a shot, and I can say that it really suits my philosophy on how an OS should be like.
I have a few issues I'm currently struggling with that I couldn't seem to solve by looking on my own: as they are mostly minor and shortly described, I thought about packing them up in one single thread to avoid making too many. I've used i686 as testing grounds and am now using x86_64, but most of my problems apply to both.
Here's my hardware, for reference:
- Intel E8400 CPU (3GHz, dual core)
- Asus P5Q-E motherboard
- 2 GB DDR2 800 RAM.
- nVidia 8800GT video card with 512MB memory
- Samsung SyncMaster 713BM flat panel, connected via DVI cable
- Creative SBLive! 5.1 OEM card (dug up for the occasion since it has hardware mixing)
I'm using the latest Xorg from the repos, nvidia proprietary drivers, ALSA, Xfce4 + compiz-fusion, and SLIM as my login manager.
And here are my headaches:
- (32/64) A similar issue to the one I just mentioned: compiz-fusion doesn't seem to stick around as my window manager, even though I manually set it as per Method 2 from this wiki page. Although it did work for a while, after some time (perhaps after installing some package? but I didn't really install anything X related) it simply stopped working. To get my windows, I have to manually run fusion-icon after login.
- (32/64) I'm using MPlayer with libass to watch my favourite anime, but sometimes MPlayer freezes up, forcing me to xkill it. Disabling ASS embedded subs yields error message 11, something about unsufficient resources. Disabling subs entirely prevents MPlayer from crashing. Oh, the errors only happen on specific points of certain videos, and all the videos work just fine under WinXP with MPC or VLC.
- (32/64) Why do anti-aliased fonts under Linux still look so bad, even though I installed the appropriate packages suggested in the wiki? I don't mind disabling anti-aliasing entirely and just using Verdana, but is there some trick to it besides setting sub-pixel hinting under rclick->settings->user interface?
- (32/64) My SBLive might be 5.1, but I'm only using the front connector as I use either two stereo speakers or headphones all the time. But the volume setting in applications (such as MPlayer) seems to affect the PCM meter of ALSA's mixer, putting it over 0 dB gain and generating sound distortion.
- (64/don't know if 32 too) Why does Compiz's framerate drop so badly when I push alt-tab? I'm using the default application shifter, hardware acceleration, and there should be no reason why the framerate should drop like that (expecially considering that wobbly windows or cube rotating don't affect my performance at all). I've read around the net about very similar occourances with the task switcher, but I've found no real solution.
- [SOLVED] (32/64) The first obstacle I came across was that I couldn't set my screen refresh any higher than 60Hz when I actually wanted 75Hz: I solved this by setting the vertical refresh to 76.0-76.0 in xorg.conf. However, for some reason this setting doesn't stick on reboot: I have to log in and manually run rclick->System->NVIDIA X Server Settings for it to apply.
- [SOLVED] (64 only) The 32 version of Xorg was fine, but for some reason I'm not getting the correct keyset (Italian) under X, while everything works in vc. I think I read something about disabling a module called "keydev", but is this really the way to go?
- [SOLVED] (64 only) Although I can hear sound in just about every application, the 64 bit version of Pidgin doesn't "ring" on received messages even though the associated option is enabled.
I kindly thank you in advance for your assistance: I will provide any configuration files that might be needed to help me out
Last edited by Akaraxle (2009-01-03 21:25:43)
You might be better off posting the questions about sound and MPlayer into the "Multimedia and Games" subforum.
As for compiz-fusion not persisting as your WM, a good way of doing things may be to search through Xfce configuration files (just to confirm, you are using Xfce, right?) and replace all occurances of 'xfwm4' with 'fusion-icon'.
Your vertical refresh issue sounds like it could be an autodetection thing, although I don't know exactly what to do about it. Does the nVidea program dynamically apply settings at X startup? If it does, you could try disabling whatever program does that (seeing as the vertical refresh is hardcoded into Xorg.conf)...
good luck!
- (64 only) The 32 version of Xorg was fine, but for some reason I'm not getting the correct keyset (Italian) under X, while everything works in vc. I think I read something about disabling a module called "keydev", but is this really the way to go?
Take a look into /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi. This works with portuguese layout:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->
<deviceinfo version="0.2">
<match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.keymap">
<append key="info.callouts.add" type="strlist">hal-setup-keymap</append>
<match key="info.capabilities" contains="input.keys">
<merge key="input.xkb.rules" type="string">base</merge>
<!-- If we're using Linux, we use evdev by default (falling back to
keyboard otherwise). -->
<merge key="input.xkb.model" type="string">keyboard</merge>
<match key="/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/"
<merge key="input.xkb.model" type="string">evdev</merge>
<merge key="input.xkb.layout" type="string">pt</merge>
<merge key="input.xkb.variant" type="string" />
- (32/64) I'm using MPlayer with libass to watch my favourite anime, but sometimes MPlayer freezes up, forcing me to xkill it. Disabling ASS embedded subs yields error message 11, something about unsufficient resources. Disabling subs entirely prevents MPlayer from crashing. Oh, the errors only happen on specific points of certain videos, and all the videos work just fine under WinXP with MPC or VLC.
Try SMPlayer.
You might be better off posting the questions about sound and MPlayer into the "Multimedia and Games" subforum.
Gotcha. I should probably split my issues into a couple threads.
As for compiz-fusion not persisting as your WM, a good way of doing things may be to search through Xfce configuration files (just to confirm, you are using Xfce, right?) and replace all occurances of 'xfwm4' with 'fusion-icon'.
Yes, I use Xfce4 (specifically, xfce4-session) and I performed the appropriate replacements for the Default session as shown by the wiki.
Something weird that happened this morning, and might give you a clue: yesterday evening I shut down my PC by saving my Xfce session, and I had compiz-icon, Pidgin, Firefox and a terminal running. This morning I found everything but compiz-icon open, and oddly enough the windows DID have their borders.
Your vertical refresh issue sounds like it could be an autodetection thing, although I don't know exactly what to do about it. Does the nVidea program dynamically apply settings at X startup? If it does, you could try disabling whatever program does that (seeing as the vertical refresh is hardcoded into Xorg.conf)...
My screen goes blank for a second when changing refresh, and I don't experience any of that during X/Xfce's startup. It simply boots up at 60Hz and doesn't switch until I start the proprietary NVIDIA X server configuration application: at that point, it switches to 75Hz automatically, as if realizing "Oh hi I'm supposed to run at 75Hz, let's enforce it now".
ok, I'm not exactly sure what to do about your compiz issue, but with your refresh issue, does the NVIDIA program have a daemon mode at all (say the program's called "nvidia-settings", you could work out if there's a documented daemon mode by running "man nvidia-settings")? If it does have a daemon mode, you could try just adding it to your xfce startup script.
Once again, good luck!
Why would you want to use 75Hz with lcd display?
Does it make a difference?
Why would you want to use 75Hz with lcd display?
Does it make a difference?
according to this forum … z-monitors
It's only really beneficial to up the frequency to 75hz on CRT monitors, but
LCD's should be fine at 60hz. mine all default to 60hz and I haven't had any
problems with eyestrain at all, so unless you feel you NEED your monitors at 75hz I would
suggest just letting them run at 60
Hofstadter's Law:
It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.
- (32/64) My SBLive might be 5.1, but I'm only using the front connector as I use either two stereo speakers or headphones all the time. But the volume setting in applications (such as MPlayer) seems to affect the PCM meter of ALSA's mixer, putting it over 0 dB gain and generating sound distortion.
In gmplayer Preferences -> Audio -> (assuming alsa selected) -> Configure driver and change the mixer channel to something other than PCM, e.g. Master.
Regarding NVIDIA X Server Settings, running "usr/bin/nvidia-settings --load-config-only" at login is the only way to apply the settings "automatically".
Mikko777 wrote:Why would you want to use 75Hz with lcd display?
Does it make a difference?
according to this forum … z-monitors
It's only really beneficial to up the frequency to 75hz on CRT monitors, but
LCD's should be fine at 60hz. mine all default to 60hz and I haven't had any
problems with eyestrain at all, so unless you feel you NEED your monitors at 75hz I would
suggest just letting them run at 60
Theres also this little thing called "being a digital display" which negates the refresh call in the first place. Refresh rate only applies to CRTs because there is a device within the CRT's chassis (called a video trace gun I believe) that literally re-draws your screen 60 or 75 times every second (Thus the "Refresh" rate, IE how often the screen is re-drawn every second).
None of this is applicable to an LCD because it is a purely digital medium, either the pixels on screen are ON or OFF. There is no on-screen "refresh" being done at all. Ergo, after all of this, setting your refresh rate to 75 really isn't useful nor is it applied by any driver. All your driver is doing is checking your monitors DDC (sort of a eeprom on-board the monitor) which tells the driver it is a digital medium & 60hz is fine, which is the screen blank you see happen then the screen is re-input.
Take a look into /etc/hal/fdi/policy/10-keymap.fdi. This works with portuguese layout:
The file did not exist, so I created it and changed "pt" to "it". Thanks a bunch, that fixed it!
Try SMPlayer.
Ah, I'd rather not involve Qt. Besides, isn't SMPlayer simply a frontend to Mplayer (who already has GMplayer integrated into it, IIRC)?
Why would you want to use 75Hz with lcd display?
Does it make a difference?
On my monitor, from my point of view, it appears to make a difference. It's that simple
In gmplayer Preferences -> Audio -> (assuming alsa selected) -> Configure driver and change the mixer channel to something other than PCM, e.g. Master.
For all the three combos, I have "driver default" selected. The other option is "default"; I tried to manually type "Master" into the mixer channel field, but then gmplayer's windows and my Xfce taskbar started blinking, so I knew I had just "crossed streams".
Regarding NVIDIA X Server Settings, running "usr/bin/nvidia-settings --load-config-only" at login is the only way to apply the settings "automatically".
I've slapped that on my ~/.xinitrc before "exec startxfce4". Thanks in advance, going to test it now!
About the refresh and non-decorated windows issues (which *appears* to be solved after I've wiped the xfce-session cache), I've been thinking: could they somehow be related the login manager I've chosen, SLIM?
P.S. New question: is there any way to enable the ALT+num126 for ~ keyboard behaviour I'm used to under M$ environments?
Last edited by Akaraxle (2009-01-03 09:43:02)
- (64 only) Although I can hear sound in just about every application, the 64 bit version of Pidgin doesn't "ring" on received messages even though the associated option is enabled.
I had this problem too, and for me the fix is quite simple. In pidgin's options go to the sound section and change it from automatic/alsa to command. Put:
aplay %s
As the command. Hopefully that works for ya.
- (64/don't know if 32 too) Why does Compiz's framerate drop so badly when I push alt-tab? I'm using the default application shifter, hardware acceleration, and there should be no reason why the framerate should drop like that (expecially considering that wobbly windows or cube rotating don't affect my performance at all). I've read around the net about very similar occourances with the task switcher, but I've found no real solution.
Can't really help you out much here except to say that I had the same problem. You can change the transition time in ccsm to be lower to mimimize the lag, but there's certainly still a delay in app switching. In the end I just dropped compiz and went back to good old openbox.
Madly in love with Arch64, Openbox, DotA, and of course... penguins!
Happy to help if you're not a Help Vampire. Use your wonderful resources like ArchWiki, Google, and our wonderful search page.
I had this problem too, and for me the fix is quite simple. In pidgin's options go to the sound section and change it from automatic/alsa to command. Put:
aplay %s
As the command. Hopefully that works for ya.
Fixed, thanks! It's weird it didn't work in either Automatic or ALSA.
I sort of fixed the volume issue with MPlayer by selecting the software mixer (so it controls its own volume) but I some new problems popped up, such as the equalizer not working, so I think I'll take this to the Multimedia subforum
Can't really help you out much here except to say that I had the same problem. You can change the transition time in ccsm to be lower to mimimize the lag, but there's certainly still a delay in app switching. In the end I just dropped compiz and went back to good old openbox.
I'll still try to optimize Compiz, but why should I use Openbox over, say, Xfwm? It seems to be extremely popular, but I haven't quite figured out why (and I don't want to mess with my window managers more than necessary ).
Last edited by Akaraxle (2009-01-03 21:26:40)