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there are new openoffice packages in testing
now with langpack support, the package is now splitted in two packages
a base package and langpack package, the package is built from binaries from
at the moment en,de and nl are supported, more to come soon
it can only one lang be installed.
please test it if you encounter any problems mail on ML topic or post it here
thanks in advance
updating now... will let you know how it goes in a day or so
Edit: of perhaps sooner. Word of warning it conflicts like crazy... I got a conflict list a mile long... I think it may have been because I used srcpac... using pacman I was asked if I wanted to update to the testing version of OO. Said yes and it was removed, then new OO installed. Ran OO and since the language is different than 1.1.2 install you either have to install to a new folder or delete stuff yourself.
Everything running fine here... it starts so that's all I really needed anyways
sorry i don't tested it's compatibility with srcpack
beause it is not a src build
it copies only files from binary version into a folder
what language you checked?
you run pacman -U perhaps
the files run cleanly if you use -Syu
because openoffice package must be removed first
and replaced with openoffice base +langpack
if you use english version openoffice-en will solve your problems
thanks for testing :-)
added it,fr and es testing packages
added it,fr and es testing packages
hello good sir!
how much work would it be to fix a swedish dictonary by myself?
To err is human... to really foul up requires the root password.
hi is a swedish package for 1.1 series out
please give me the adress i will add it
you have luck
when it is the sv package it will come to server soon
the accents won't work for me.[I'm talking about those thingies that you need for writing french texts ] I don't know if this is a bug or not
I tried all the possible keyboard layouts and none of them gives me the result i want.
running: openoffice + de-language pack
ArchLinux (x86_64) w/ kdemod
aus der hilfe: thema akzent
Linux / NetBSD: Arbeiten mit den dead-keys. Drücken Sie in einem xterm-Fenster zuerste eine der Tasten (´) oder (`). Das Zeichen darf nicht auf dem Bildschirm erscheinen. Drücken Sie nun einen Buchstaben, z. B. "e". Das "e" erhält einen Akzent und wird zu "é" oder "è". Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, kontrollieren Sie, ob in der Datei XF86Config eine "nodeadkeys" XkbdVariant gelden ist und ersetzen Sie sie gegebenenfalls. Möglicherweise wurde auch die Umgebungsvariable SAL_NO_DEADKEYS gesetzt, die dead-keys deaktiviert.
Alle Unix-Systeme: (AltGr) als zusätzliche Compose-Taste. Die Taste (AltGr) kann in wie die Compose-Taste arbeiten, wenn Sie die Umgebungsvariable SAL_ALTGR_COMPOSE setzen. Die Taste AltGr muss einen Mode_switch auslöse
oder probier mal in rc.conf:
sollte eigentlich reichen
wenn nicht xserver config ändern
thing is everywhere else the accents work without a problem
è é )
just not in Openoffice
danke für deine antwort aber wie gesagt, ausser in Openoffice funzen die dummen Akzente überall.. dumm irgendwie *g*
wenn ich versuche è in openoffice einzugeben wird gar nichts angezeigt. nicht mal das e ohne akzent.. ich drücke die akzenttaste, dann das e und nichts passiert bzw. der cursor geht einen schritt weiter ohne das etwas angezeigt wird.
deshalb dacht ich es wäre nen open office problem [bug?]
ArchLinux (x86_64) w/ kdemod
also bei mir funktionierts
versuchs mal neu zu installieren
pacman -R openoffice-base
pacman -R openoffice-de
falls keine wichtigen einsteellungen in deinem OO verzeichnis sind einfach löschen oder verschieben
und dann neu installieren
vielleicht klappt es ja dann
Is python dependence really needed ?
removed it from depends as others too
because it's a binary package
next version will fix this
thanks for the hint
When zh_CN and zh_TW will come out, or could I do anything for it? Thank you.
the packages are out since yesterday
as already seen test2 was out with no major improvements only removed depends
and a fix for gnome that doesn't really work
now test3 is out:
added spellcheck support for 8 languages that are installed system wide and
available to each user
for others the internal add-dictionary template have to be used
to add a spellchecker of your choice
run pacman -S openoffice-spell-addyourlanghere
you can install more spellcheckers parallel
freedesktop menus added
openoffice packages that are available:
sorry if i forgot one
more will not come because the mirror has not more binaries that can be taken
please test it and report problems
then if everything works it will come soon to extra
thanks in advance
I've downloaded openoffice-base and openoffice-spell-pt, and when i run /opt/openoffice/setup, it does absolutely nothing - i dont get a single error message. Same thing happens when i try to run soffice.
Any ideias about what might be happening?
Fixed: sorry, I forgot to download openoffice-pt_br - sometimes I have what I like to call moments of absolute stupidity... :cry: (like asking a friend the name of the song "you can ring my bell" when I knew the main part of the song was "you can ring my bell"...)
please test it and report problems
then if everything works it will come soon to extra
Danke für das Paket, funktioniert in der DE Ausführung super.
try to download a language packet
like openoffice-en or openoffice-de or what language you want
then it should work