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Hi. I received news that parallels has free download for late christmas gift.
What do you think on Parallels?
Has anyone try Parallels on linux?
No i have never tried it because Virtualbox does the job for me , it use it with USB, Share between virtual <-> Arch and i has an nice support for integrating a virtual machine window in your local machine
Does virtualbox allow sharing of files between host and guest without using samba? This has always been on of my biggest issues with qemu, as I must have access to my external drives from both Windows (guest) and Linux (host) all at the same time.
Yes but through its own drive shareing system. You need to install the guest additions to use it. In a windows guest it appears as a network drive which is really a specified point on your linux system.
I'm not really that much of a fan of Parallels on Linux. I'm sure it's a good solution for Mac and all, but why sell something for $50 bucks, when the competitors are doing it better for free?
VirtualBox's latest OpenGL and Host Networking updates push it even in front of VMWare Server for my purposes.