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what themes are you using in the gnome screenshot?
what themes are you using in the gnome screenshot
its the same theme for both fluxbox and gnome
gtk theme: royalty
emerald theme: royalty
fluxbox theme: royalty
icon theme: black-white_2-style
theres a link to the .conkyrc on the page with the emerald theme
all of them are from gnome-look
EDIT: sry i guess the fluxbox theme is actually from box-look
Last edited by tjwoosta (2009-01-03 22:08:44)
What's with all the fascination with Arch linux wallpapers ?
I hate branding like that....
edit: +1 on tlaloc's comment in the aforementioned thread.
Last edited by filam (2009-01-03 21:58:09)
Click for a larger version:
The Greyhound Openbox and GTK Themes: … tent=96078
Cairo-clock screenlet
First time posting in one of these screenshot threads.
Pretty basic Awesome set-up. Wallpaper is here
Last edited by canen (2009-01-04 01:26:08)
I'm not that much of a tweaker, but I'm groing to like it
Thanks to karabaja4 for the conky config!
Wallpaper please!
Wallpaper please?
Well Arch, you stopped my two month long distrohopping deathmarch and for that I am thankful!
On top of that, my arch install is, at this point, about the best looking linux install I've had.
This is Blue Sun GTK theme w/Ubuntu Studio Emerald theme, and Hydroxygen icon set (all available from gnome-look). My apologies in advance to the artist of the wallpaper -- I grabbed it from some site that is linked here someplace, and can't remember the name of the site to provide a link and credit. If someone knows where this wallpaper is from, please tell me, and I'll edit this post accordingly.
As a side note, the guy who has created and maintains the hydroxygen icon set should get an award. There are so many icons, they are so well done, it comes with customization scripts for folder colors + several other options, there is an example image showing what some of the options do, there is well written documentation regarding applying the customizations... It's just an impressive, impressive piece of work, that has surely consumed hundreds of hours of the guy's life. (And you can install it directly from AUR if you so choose!)
Edit: karabaja4 -- would you be willing to post your conkyrc?
Which dock app is that? Does it use one icon per instance (ala Mac OS/NeXTstep) or per window (like most "task" bars do)?
@Xilon: It looks like cairodock, and if it is, it can be set up either way.
two setups installed at the same time so i can switch with GDM (one to impress people
, one for performance)
gnome/compiz (notice how its snowing
) (notice the giant difference in ram usage between gnome and fuxbox
Nice. I had the same winter background for awhile. I wish it would snow here this year
whordijk wrote:
I'm not that much of a tweaker, but I'm groing to like it
Thanks to karabaja4 for the conky config!Wallpaper please!
Which dock app is that? Does it use one icon per instance (ala Mac OS/NeXTstep) or per window (like most "task" bars do)?
@Xilon: It looks like cairodock, and if it is, it can be set up either way.
It is indeed cairo-dock. I use it only as a launcher, not as a taskbar, but xaiviax is correct about how it works. Customizing it can be a tiny bit time consuming, but it has a shocking number of options. It can look and behave very differently from my somewhat basic setup here, but I don't like my dock to do much besides hold commonly used launchers and look pretty...
You need to compile cairo with glitz to install it, and both ways I've tried to do that have resulted in pacman thinking I don't meet cairo dependencies of a couple of other packages. It hasn't been much of a problem, but clearly I need to find a better way to meet the cairo with glitz requirement.
scottishduck wrote:After a few hours I finally have my first arch install fully ready! Now all I need to do is tweak it and I can actually start my coding project for Uni
Nice! Which Gnome theme and engine is that running?:)
Customised the T3K GTK2/Emerald theme (as in changed the gnome icon to an arch one ;3). It needs a number of engines. There is a list of required engines here:
@SLKDK Makes me want to go back to Openbox
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Still trying to figure out how do get rid of the gaps between terminals, and get some cpu usage/temp status in the top bar. If any one has solutions, please tell me.