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#1 2009-01-09 02:33:07

Registered: 2009-01-09
Posts: 136

"Bold Italic Underline" in spanish (wrong language) and gdm question

Hey guys.  Coming from XP straight to Arch and got 2 quirks.

1.  When I installed the microsoft fonts from the repo, the box where it's supposed to say "Bold Italic Underline" is in spanish.  (For Times New Roman for ex.). (under the appearance->fonts)  What's up with this?

2.  How can I make dvorak the input language on the gdm (that's the gnome login screen right?).  I have no problem with dvorak being default on the console or the system when I login.  Also, is it possible to change the cursors on the same gdm window.  Right now my custom one only gets applied after I log in.

3.  Is it possible to make explorers "default" mode 2-paned.  For example, when I double click computer, can it start up in explorer mode with the tree on the left.  Edit: am I thinking...I mean nautilus.

Last edited by dr/owned (2009-01-09 05:26:19)


#2 2009-01-09 09:04:40

Registered: 2009-01-09
Posts: 136

Re: "Bold Italic Underline" in spanish (wrong language) and gdm question

Ok to answer number 3, goto nautilus -> edit -> preferences -> behavior -> always open in browser windows.


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