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On my Acer Aspire One when I issue "reboot" or "poweroff" as root Arch shuts down partway and drops me into the CLI login prompt, but I can't login. I have to shutdown the power by holding the power button down. Anyone know what might be causing this?
So you are using a WM or something?
If so, why would you be running as root?
Anyways so you dont have to do a hard reset you can login to cli and run "shutdown -h now" to shut down.
I've never used reboot or poweroff.
shutdown -r now
shutdown -h now
worked for me forever.
It seems that reboot=shutdown -r now and poweroff=shutdown -h now. So the problem is either he is running it in a WM and it brings him to cli or if hes in cli and the command just logs him out.
It seems that reboot=shutdown -r now and poweroff=shutdown -h now. So the problem is either he is running it in a WM and it brings him to cli or if hes in cli and the command just logs him out.
wow suprising there are reboot and shutdown scripts for such simple commands now, sorry i don't have any insight because if run with privelages those commands should work
while in a wm or de or any enviroment he has going.
You could restart via 'init 6' and shutdown via 'init 0'.