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Is there a way to generate a text file that contains all of the packages that are installed on my system? I'd like this so i can install all of the packages I have installed if I screw something up again.
pacman -Q > pacman.txt
most probably you want
pacman -Qe
how can i feed this list of installed packages to pacman or is this not possible? if this isnt possible its a lot less useful for my needs :-/
pacman -Qe | awk '{print $1}' > package_list.txt
for x in $(cat package_list.txt); do pacman -S $x; done
pacman -S `cat package_list.txt`
#This will also work, but Pacman will exit if you have a package
#installed that is not in the repositories.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2008-12-28 01:13:28)
I think this pertains more to the Newbie Corner. Moving.
Have you Syued today?
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pacman -Qe | awk '{print $1}' > package_list.txt
pacman -Qqe > package_list.txt
Well, I'll be...
Last edited by Wintervenom (2008-12-28 02:28:07)
I doubt you need it anymore, but I've been working on a project which has made it to beta and is up for grabs. If anyone is looking for something along these lines, Packup is a backup & recovery script for Pacman.
When I get around to it (i.e., after work) I'll make a post detailing it in the community projects section. If you're impatient, check out our website here.
Last edited by Ghost1227 (2008-12-29 19:11:37)
thats an awesome little program you have there, great job!
This is what I did.
Generating the package list: pacman -Qqe > package.list
Installing from the package list: pacman -S $(cat package.list)
Is this what Pacup does?
The only problem I had is that it also lists the packages installed from the AUR with yaourt.
packup's a bit more complex than that... it can backup/restore official packages (core and extra), unofficial packages (community, aur, and other), or all packages, as well as backup and recovery of config files for pacman/yaourt and it's got a few other surprises coming...
packup's a bit more complex than that... it can backup/restore official packages (core and extra), unofficial packages (community, aur, and other), or all packages, as well as backup and recovery of config files for pacman/yaourt and it's got a few other surprises coming...
Sounds very good. I will most certainly look into Packup then.
Ghost1227 wrote:packup's a bit more complex than that... it can backup/restore official packages (core and extra), unofficial packages (community, aur, and other), or all packages, as well as backup and recovery of config files for pacman/yaourt and it's got a few other surprises coming...
Sounds very good. I will most certainly look into Packup then.
quickfished wrote:Ghost1227 wrote:packup's a bit more complex than that... it can backup/restore official packages (core and extra), unofficial packages (community, aur, and other), or all packages, as well as backup and recovery of config files for pacman/yaourt and it's got a few other surprises coming...
Sounds very good. I will most certainly look into Packup then.
Of course Ghost has to show off his talent Right Ghost?
My site:
Of course Ghost has to show off his talent
Right Ghost?
Of course ndowens has to show off his necroposting talent Right ndowens?
Evil channel op and general support dude.
. files on github, Screenshots, Random pics and the rest
Isn't now for Arch pacman -Q > package_list.txt correct?
pacman -Qqe or pacman -Qe doesn't show everything...
12 Year Linux Vet, Don't Let The Post Count Fool Ya! But Sure I Don't Know Everything, Who Does? That's Why I Ask.
I saw this neat little code posted somewhere for generating a list with dates. You can direct it to a text file if you wish.
pacman -Qi | sed '/^Name/{ s/ *//; s/^.* //; H;N;d}; /^URL/,/^Build Date/d; /^Install Reason/,/^Description/d; /^ */d;x; s/^.*: ... //; s/Jan/01/; s/Feb/02/; s/Mar/03/; s/Apr/04/; s/May/05/; s/Jun/06/; s/Jul/07/; s/Aug/08/; s/Sep/09/; s/Oct/10/; s/Nov/11/; s/Dec/12/; / [1-9]\{1\} /{ s/[[:digit:]]\{1\}/0&/3 }; s/\(^[[:digit:]][[:digit:]]\) \([[:digit:]][[:digit:]]\) \(.*\) \(....\)/\4-\1-\2 \3/' | sed ' /^[[:alnum:]].*$/ N; s/\n/ /; s/\(^[[:graph:]]*\) \(.*$\)/\2 \1/; /^$/d'
I use
pacman -Qq > packages.txt
I find that using pacman -Qqe only list locally installed packages, and -Qq shows even those I download from the AUR. It's all personal preferences though.
Thank you. Op can mark this as solved. Closing as necro-bump: … Bumping.27
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