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ext4 is essentially ext3 evolved, so all ext3 options still apply, noatime included.
@ lonewolf:
the ftp routine is taken from standard installer, i don't modify this.
But your card worked fine in install environment?
I also have an ath5k and i don't need this madwifi stuff to get it working.
@ lonewolf:
the ftp routine is taken from standard installer, i don't modify this.
But your card worked fine in install environment?
I also have an ath5k and i don't need this madwifi stuff to get it working.greetings
It worked fine in the install environment, but once booted it didn't.
I could bring the card up, but iwlist wlan0 scan reported scanning was not supported , and i could not get a dhcp address.
To make it fully functional i need the modules ath_hal, ath_pci and wlan .
It looks like for my chipset the athk5 module has only basic support, the other functionality is in the modules now provided by madwifi.
Madwifi website indicates that ath5k is a work in process and in the future will completely replace madwifi .
about the ftp routine :
As the ftp install image only has the base packages, it does make sense that you can only select to install those.
The core image however, has devel and suport packages , and should have a wider selection for all sources.
How do you suggest we proceed ?
Feature request for the installer, adding a note to the install wiki, something else ?
Disliking systemd intensely, but not satisfied with alternatives so focusing on taming systemd.
clean chroot building not flexible enough ?
Try clean chroot manager by graysky
I think SImo fixed this in latest ftp routine, have to check this, though.
Just finished installing Archlinux on my new EEE PC 1000H.
Congratulations tpowa. This is the best ISO since i can remember (around 2 years).
With NO OTHER ISO during that time i was able to log into a system which had a correct time setting.
Just one question about the only annoyance. Neotuli closed as implemented. Your ISO still installs base by default, although the Changelog says you checked out the changes in git. What am i missing?
Last edited by dolby (2009-01-04 07:42:41)
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
Just one question about the only annoyance. Neotuli closed as implemented. Your ISO still installs base by default, although the Changelog says you checked out the changes in git. What am i missing?
Agreed. The ability to choose each package is an eagerly sought after feature.
I am now installing the ISO, i really like the new options, everything just worked out fine ( installing the packages). I thought of ext4, and you don't need it for /boot so you can still use good old grub:) Only problem i got when i am finished with configuration, the menu lags, but when in push the down key i see the install bootloader option. I don;t now if this is a virtualbox isue. I am sorry that i forget to take a screenshot:(
Last edited by jelly (2009-01-04 22:07:02)
the ftp routine now allows again to select packages from core, the next archboot images will include these changes.
I am now installing the ISO, i really like the new options, everything just worked out fine ( installing the packages). I thought of ext4, and you don't need it for /boot so you can still use good old grub:) Only problem i got when i am finished with configuration, the menu lags, but when in push the down key i see the install bootloader option. I don;t now if this is a virtualbox isue. I am sorry that i forget to take a screenshot:(
I think this is an issue of the virtualbox size, i only test with qemu-kvm the menu size.
the ftp routine now allows again to select packages from core, the next archboot images will include these changes.
There shouldn't be any reason to learn more editor types than emacs or vi -- mg (1)
[You learn that sarcasm does not often work well in international forums. That is why we avoid it. -- ewaller (arch linux forum moderator)
tpowa wrote:the ftp routine now allows again to select packages from core, the next archboot images will include these changes.
Booting from usb gives me "Extlinux , boot error" on my Portégé M800-10C ;'(
I second that. I get "Boot error" too on a console screen. This is booting from a Dell lnspiron 700M. The same usb stick boots correctly on my desktop. There are no other error indications.
Has the ISO been updated with the latest kernel?
Got an HP 2133 needing Arch
default,noatime,nodiratime,user_xattr are mine.
EDIT: Ah, crap, wrong page. The page buttons ought to stand out more.
Last edited by Wintervenom (2009-01-10 03:16:09)
FTP Install isn't working for me
is anyone else experiencing this?
FTP Install isn't working for me
is anyone else experiencing this?
You may want to elaborate a little on this.
Is there a non-torrent of 2008.12?
Suggestion, perhaps root could have a /dev/urandom-generated password by default, unless one is specified at boot or with 'passwd'? It would be more secure than a static and easily found username and password by default. Thanks!
archboot images will never set a root pasword it ships with no password at all.
sa wrote:FTP Install isn't working for me
is anyone else experiencing this?You may want to elaborate a little on this.
When I try to select packages, I get
[*] Error: ^
[*] Expected ^
[*] at ^
[*] least ^
[*] 7 ^
[*] tokens ^
[*] for ^
With this image, rm /tmp/.pkgcategory does not help, and I have a working net connection (ping -c 3 returns results)
Last edited by sa (2009-01-15 15:14:22)
skottish wrote:sa wrote:FTP Install isn't working for me
is anyone else experiencing this?You may want to elaborate a little on this.
When I try to select packages, I get
[*] Error: ^ [*] Expected ^ [*] at ^ [*] least ^ [*] 7 ^ [*] tokens ^ [*] for ^
With this image, rm /tmp/.pkgcategory does not help, and I have a working net connection (ping -c 3 returns results)
I get the same error.
I've gotten that error (and similar) many times, and with the normal ISO too. I just reboot and do it again, and it will usually work. There's a bug or something in the network code - for example, doing the network setup from the menu twice will b0rk everything (it will fail to finish setting up the network), and you must reboot. The error above is almost random, though.
2008.12 is gone and past. I suggest we make it look better and update it for 2009.01 with kernel 2.6.28
2009.1 with kernel 2.6.28, grub with ext4 support and the possibly to use ext4 on boot partitions!
Use the Source, Luke!
Kernel 2.6.28 is released on Christmas, and ext4 also. So there is nothing made in 2009 in this kernel, or iso.
It should be named 2008.12