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#51 2009-01-03 11:43:19

From: Magdeburg/Germany
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 1,642

Re: Midori rocks

Intrepid wrote:

For midori to be a logical alternative, somebody needs to actively watch both the Git version and the webkitgtk-svn package in the AUR to update the repo.

the official libwebkit pkg in extra is based on the nightly builds sources. I try to update it quiet often these days. but they commit so much new features and do not have a stable branch that it will be hard to get something really useful these days. I wonder how Gnome wants to handle that in their release for epiphany. Packagers from Debian and Fedora also thumble in the drakness using some svn checkout from day foo and patch it to make it become usable or simply pray next checkout will work better :S

Midori itself isn't that unstable. Most crashes belong to webkit. Mabye we should build webkit with debugging symbols for while to help reporting issues.


#52 2009-01-11 08:22:54

Registered: 2008-06-11
Posts: 254

Re: Midori rocks

AndyRTR wrote:
Intrepid wrote:

For midori to be a logical alternative, somebody needs to actively watch both the Git version and the webkitgtk-svn package in the AUR to update the repo.

the official libwebkit pkg in extra is based on the nightly builds sources. I try to update it quiet often these days. but they commit so much new features and do not have a stable branch that it will be hard to get something really useful these days. I wonder how Gnome wants to handle that in their release for epiphany. Packagers from Debian and Fedora also thumble in the drakness using some svn checkout from day foo and patch it to make it become usable or simply pray next checkout will work better :S

Midori itself isn't that unstable. Most crashes belong to webkit. Mabye we should build webkit with debugging symbols for while to help reporting issues.

Yes, you are actually correct about the webkit troubles.  Most of the problems deal with nsplugins and the like.  I actually upgraded to your new libwebkit.  However, I ran Epiphany with webkit the other day.  While some bugs existed between epiphany's interface and webkit's rendering engine, it NEVER crashed!  That must mean that there's some feature of webkit or workaround midori uses that webkit cannot handle.

Intrepid (adj.): Resolutely courageous; fearless.


#53 2009-01-18 16:49:46

Registered: 2007-12-07
Posts: 1,784

Re: Midori rocks

To all you guys, who would love to use midori, if it wasn't so unstable, read this:

Midori is rock stable here!!! I wasn't able to update webkitgtk-svn from AUR, so I haven't updated Midori for about 2 months. It was unstable like hell, no real fun to work with it longer than half an hour or so at max. But because webkitgtk-svn builds again, I updated midori-git as well and I tell you, I've been online for about 8 hours now and let's say I used it 5 hours, because I have to do some heavy research and it really didn't crash even once! There were many flashy sites among those I visited, right now I have 13 tabs open, two contain flash elements and Midori doesn't give a damn about it smile Really great to see the good development!


#54 2009-01-18 20:24:31

Registered: 2007-10-02
Posts: 570

Re: Midori rocks

I built midori-git (with the libwebkit-git instead) and epiphany-webkit (with libwebkit-git also).... Both browsers are very fast and have stopped crashing once I built them using the latest libwebkit-git 20090116-1.

My question is about the jre_beta 6u12_b03-1 plugin. It doesn't work with either of my webkit browsers. Maybe I don't know the correct place to put the symlink? I always thought epiphnay just worked with java/flash. Epiphany url search isn't working either. Midori doesn't have that problem.

Both midori-git and epiphany-webkit work very well with flash 10.0.d21.1-1.

Last edited by methuselah (2009-01-18 20:25:39)


#55 2009-01-18 22:53:31

Registered: 2008-08-25
Posts: 111

Re: Midori rocks

Army wrote:

To all you guys, who would love to use midori, if it wasn't so unstable, read this:

Midori is rock stable here!!! I wasn't able to update webkitgtk-svn from AUR, so I haven't updated Midori for about 2 months. It was unstable like hell, no real fun to work with it longer than half an hour or so at max. But because webkitgtk-svn builds again, I updated midori-git as well and I tell you, I've been online for about 8 hours now and let's say I used it 5 hours, because I have to do some heavy research and it really didn't crash even once! There were many flashy sites among those I visited, right now I have 13 tabs open, two contain flash elements and Midori doesn't give a damn about it smile Really great to see the good development!

The stability indeed improved. But right now, the biggest headache for me is, if I quit midori, and re-open it, it still doesn't save my username/password for websites.


#56 2009-01-18 23:21:03

Registered: 2007-10-02
Posts: 570

Re: Midori rocks

seenxu wrote:

The stability indeed improved. But right now, the biggest headache for me is, if I quit midori, and re-open it, it still doesn't save my username/password for websites.

Yeah it doesn't save my cookies for usernames or passwords either. Do you have jre plugin working with it?

Last edited by methuselah (2009-01-18 23:22:05)


#57 2009-01-18 23:37:08

From: /home/haxit
Registered: 2008-03-04
Posts: 1,247

Re: Midori rocks

Indeed it does.

Archi686 User | Old Screenshots | Old .Configs
Vi veri universum vivus vici.


#58 2009-01-19 00:08:14

Registered: 2007-10-02
Posts: 570

Re: Midori rocks

haxit wrote:

Indeed it does.

Did it work without configuring..... or did you have to symlink the file? I tried to symlink /usr/lib/midori/
to target: /opt/java/jre/lib/amd64/

.... but it didn't work.


#59 2009-01-19 11:51:34

Registered: 2008-08-25
Posts: 111

Re: Midori rocks

methuselah wrote:
seenxu wrote:

The stability indeed improved. But right now, the biggest headache for me is, if I quit midori, and re-open it, it still doesn't save my username/password for websites.

Do you have jre plugin working with it?

I seldom use jre plugin, so I didn't have it installed on my system. tongue


#60 2009-01-19 12:27:38

Registered: 2008-08-25
Posts: 111

Re: Midori rocks

methuselah wrote:
haxit wrote:

Indeed it does.

Did it work without configuring..... or did you have to symlink the file? I tried to symlink /usr/lib/midori/
to target: /opt/java/jre/lib/amd64/

.... but it didn't work.

just try the jre1.6.0_12 plugin out, it works on firefox, but no to midori.


Just found a way to crash midori at least for me.

go to

the same page won't crash arora.

Last edited by seenxu (2009-01-19 12:29:38)


#61 2009-01-19 15:32:21

From: Germany
Registered: 2008-02-04
Posts: 40

Re: Midori rocks works with my midori.


#62 2009-01-19 17:07:36

Registered: 2007-10-02
Posts: 570

Re: Midori rocks

seenxu wrote:
methuselah wrote:
haxit wrote:

Indeed it does.

Did it work without configuring..... or did you have to symlink the file? I tried to symlink /usr/lib/midori/
to target: /opt/java/jre/lib/amd64/

.... but it didn't work.

just try the jre1.6.0_12 plugin out, it works on firefox, but no to midori.


Just found a way to crash midori at least for me.

go to

the same page won't crash arora.

I get no crashes using the libwebkit-git from AUR.... but if I used the libwebkit from the regular repo I would crash on certain sites that used flash video and streaming ( live surf repots).

libwebkit-git 20090116-1

.... works perfectly.


#63 2009-01-19 20:04:20

Registered: 2008-08-25
Posts: 111

Re: Midori rocks

Lachkater wrote: works with my midori.

methuselah wrote:

I get no crashes using the libwebkit-git from AUR.... but if I used the libwebkit from the regular repo I would crash on certain sites that used flash video and streaming ( live surf repots).

sorry, guys, my fault.
I forget to update to the latest. big_smile


#64 2009-01-19 20:08:42

From: Magdeburg/Germany
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 1,642

Re: Midori rocks

everybody feel free to notify me about import changes in the developement and nightly builds. just ask for an update when something cool has been added or fixed.


#65 2009-01-20 03:44:34

From: Osijek, Croatia
Registered: 2007-12-08
Posts: 36

Re: Midori rocks

midori 0.1.2 still won't save cookies sad (remain logged in)

i'm using:
libwebkit 1.0.3-0.39852

help !!!
anyone wink

EDIT: it seems that this is too old ver. of libsoup sad … ask_id=210
talks about 2.25.2

Last edited by danij3l (2009-01-20 03:50:10)


#66 2009-01-20 12:47:27

Registered: 2008-08-25
Posts: 111

Re: Midori rocks

danij3l wrote:

midori 0.1.2 still won't save cookies sad (remain logged in)

i'm using:
libwebkit 1.0.3-0.39852

help !!!
anyone wink

EDIT: it seems that this is too old ver. of libsoup sad … ask_id=210
talks about 2.25.2

I had compiled the latest version libsoup out of gnome svn repo, the midori configure output confirmed that I had installed the libsoup 2.25.2, but I still don't see cookie support. any other ideas?

Checking for libsoup-2.4 >= 2.25.2       : ok


#67 2009-01-20 13:38:15

From: Brazil
Registered: 2007-04-06
Posts: 649

Re: Midori rocks

I'm not sure, but it seems from the link that danij3l posted that you need to recompile webkit, too. I'm trying it, if it works I post here. Unfortunatelly, it's taking too long to compile libwebkit. sad

(lambda ())


#68 2009-01-20 13:49:09

From: Magdeburg/Germany
Registered: 2005-10-07
Posts: 1,642

Re: Midori rocks

libsoup 2.25.2 is the devel version of that library for unstable gnome 2.25.x on the way to gnome 2.26. it shouldn't affect features midori support.

for the cookies: why don't you ask the main developer in the #midori irc channel? if there's something i can change i'll try to apply it to our packages.


#69 2009-01-20 14:19:23

From: Brazil
Registered: 2007-04-06
Posts: 649

Re: Midori rocks

libwebkit was taking to long to compile so I ^C it. Basically I have updated libsoup to 2.25.4 and recompiled midori-git and now cookies are persistant.

(lambda ())


#70 2009-01-20 20:35:11

Registered: 2008-08-25
Posts: 111

Re: Midori rocks

andre.ramaciotti wrote:

libwebkit was taking to long to compile so I ^C it. Basically I have updated libsoup to 2.25.4 and recompiled midori-git and now cookies are persistant.

I had tried to compile the webkit nightly with "./configure --with-http-backend=soup", but while ./configure midori it still reports that my webkit is not built with libsoup, weird.

Optional run time dependencies:
Single instance:     yes (unique)
Icons, Source, Save: yes (libSoup 2.23.1)
Persistent cookies:  yes (libSoup 2.25.2)
WebKit was NOT built with libsoup
Persistent history:  yes (sqlite3)

right now, midori DO SAVE username/password.

Last edited by seenxu (2009-01-20 20:36:01)


#71 2009-01-20 21:18:57

From: Brazil
Registered: 2007-04-06
Posts: 649

Re: Midori rocks

Yes, I had the same message -- "WebKit was NOT built with libsoup" -- but it's working now.

(lambda ())


#72 2009-01-20 22:43:41

Registered: 2008-08-25
Posts: 111

Re: Midori rocks

andre.ramaciotti wrote:

Yes, I had the same message -- "WebKit was NOT built with libsoup" -- but it's working now.

I had done a little bit test with webkit nightly build, only I built webkit with option "--with-http-backend=soup", and then build midori, it will enable the cookie feature. if not, then midori still has no support of cookie. so the midori configure may not detect the webkit right, we can just forget the configure output at that position.

I also found out with libsoup backend, the stability of midori drops, e.g.
* if with libsoup backend, midori crashed with test 1 and test 2.

* if with curl backend, they all seems ok.


#73 2009-01-21 01:39:24

Registered: 2007-10-02
Posts: 570

Re: Midori rocks

seenxu wrote:

I also found out with libsoup backend, the stability of midori drops, e.g.
* if with libsoup backend, midori crashed with test 1 and test 2.

* if with curl backend, they all seems ok.

That's not a really good test (test1). That site just crashed my Firefox 3.1b2-pgo that has a perfectly working flash 10.0.d21.1-1 and jre_beta 6u12_b03-1. (midori loads about 1/4 way and then freezes but doesn't crash.... FF2.1b2 almost fully loads but then becomes unnavigable)

test 2 works perfectly for me with libwebkit-git.

Last edited by methuselah (2009-01-21 16:41:25)


#74 2009-01-21 19:57:14

From: Leicester, UK
Registered: 2008-02-14
Posts: 106

Re: Midori rocks

I am writing this from midori 0.1.1, and its stable and fast. I am impressed by it. The only thing that keeps me using firefox is the extensions I use, like Greasemonkey, and a few others.


#75 2009-01-24 18:52:18

From: /
Registered: 2007-05-06
Posts: 108

Re: Midori rocks

It is far too hard to get bookmarklets to work, and flash seems to intermittently crash the browser i think. when its stable it will be kick ass, i wish it was not.

Registered: 2007-05-05
Keep coming back to Arch because its hands down the most amazing distro God has given us.


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