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the makepkg files of the unstable tree aren't part of the abs thingy, can this be added?
apt-get install arch
i assume you have the unstable tree uncommented in you pacman.conf?
if so then resyncing and then running abs (i assume likely you do not even have to resync) should get you the PKGBUILD from the unstable tree. i have not had any troubles so far running abs and getting the files from unstable.
fwiw, ymmv.
AKA uknowme
I am not your friend
You should have a supfile.unstable in /etc/abs.
[jvinet@saturn jvinet]$ cat /etc/abs/supfile.unstable
# /etc/abs/supfile.unofficial
# this is the host containing the unofficial PKGBUILD files
*default base=/usr/abs
*default prefix=/usr/abs
*default release=cvs
*default delete
*default use-rel-suffix
*default compress
*default tag=CURRENT
Pages: 1