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I made myself a little bash script to get update notifications in conky
pacman -Sy
return 0;
in /etc/cron.hourly/
make it executable
chmod +x /etc/cron.hourly/
Put this in ~/.conky/ (or where ever you see fit)
# Version 1.1.b2
### configuration setting
# # of packages in output list
# Conky parse code for "system is up to date" line
# Conky parse code inserted before every package name
# Conky parse code inserted before every package size
conky_parse_size='${goto 160}'
# Show a summary line at the end 'true' or anything
# Show remove package summary line at end. Set to 'true' or anything
# # of packages in remove list, set to 0 to disable the list
# Notice that 'show_remove_summary' MUST be set to 'true' if you want to show a list of those packages
# Conky parse code inserted before summary line
### End of configuration
declare -a pkg size
IFS=`echo -en "\n\b"`
if [ "$show_remove_summary" = 'true' ]; then
for i in $(pacman -Qu | sed -n '/Remove/,/Total Re/p' | sed 's/\t/\n/; s/: /\n/; s/ /\n/g' | sed 's/^ //; /^$/d' | grep ']' | sed 's/ /!/' | cut -d '!' -f1 );
do rpkg=( "${rpkg[@]}" "$i" )
for i in $(pacman -Qu | sed -n '/Remove/,/Total Re/p' | sed 's/\t/\n/; s/: /\n/; s/ /\n/g' | sed 's/^ //; /^$/d' | grep ']' | sed 's/ /!/' | cut -d '!' -f2 );
do rsize=( "${rsize[@]}" "$i" )
for i in $(pacman -Qu | sed 's/\t/\n/; s/: /\n/; s/ /\n/g' | sed -n '/Targets /,$p' | sed 's/^ //; /^$/d' | grep ']' | sed 's/ /!/' | cut -d '!' -f1 );
do pkg=( "${pkg[@]}" "$i" )
for i in $(pacman -Qu | sed 's/\t/\n/; s/: /\n/; s/ /\n/g' | sed -n '/Targets /,$p' | sed 's/^ //; /^$/d' | grep ']' | sed 's/ /!/' | cut -d '!' -f2 );
do size=( "${size[@]}" "$i" )
if [ "$list_len" -gt "${#pkg[@]}" ]; then list_len=${#pkg[@]}; fi
if [ "$rlist_len" -gt "${#rpkg[@]}" ]; then rlist_len=${#rpkg[@]}; fi
if [ "${#pkg[@]}" = "0" ]; then echo $conky_parse_siutd "System is up to date"; exit 0; fi
while [ $curr != $list_len ]
echo $conky_parse_pkg ${pkg[$curr]} $conky_parse_size ${size[$curr]}
let "curr += 1"
if [ "$show_summary" = "true" ]; then echo $conky_parse_summary "${#pkg[@]} Packages to update"; fi
if [ $show_remove_summary = 'true' ]; then
if [ "${#rpkg[@]}" -gt "0" ]; then
echo $conky_parse_siutd "${#rpkg[@]} Packages will be removed";
if [ "$rlist_len" -gt "0" ]; then
if [ "${#rpkg[@]}" -gt "0" ]; then
while [ $curr != $rlist_len ]
echo $conky_parse_pkg ${rpkg[$curr]} $conky_parse_size ${rsize[$curr]}
let "curr += 1"
And finally in your .conkyrc
${execpi 900 sh <PATH TO>}
You have to use the ShowSize option for this to work.
edit your /etc/pacman.conf
in the Misc options section theres a line #ShowSize
remove the # in front of that line.
Change log
1.0 First release
1.1.b1 Added support for packages that's going to be removed
1.1.b2 BUG FIX: Output error, sometimes wrong count and bad list due to leading whitespaces
Last edited by novus (2009-01-22 11:58:22)
won't work,always output is System is up to date,but...
[11:17:39 ~]$ pacman -Qu
Checking for package upgrades...
Remove (1): iproute-2.6.26-1
Total Removed Size: 1.28 MB
Targets (4): iproute2-2.6.28-1 kernel26- libarchive-2.6.1-1
Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
Total Installed Size: 108.27 MB
na12, U'll need to edit u'r /etc/pacman.conf
in the misc options remove the # in front of ShowSize
I guess I wasn't clear enough in my original post, this script will ONLY work if ShowSize is enabled
it works now,but what is this ${goto 160}
[12:44:24 ~]$ sh ~/Desktop/
iproute-2.6.26-1 ${goto 160} [1.28 MB]
iproute2-2.6.28-1 ${goto 160} [0.48 MB]
kernel26- ${goto 160} [28.49 MB]
syslog-ng-2.1.3-2 ${goto 160} libarchive-2.6.1-1 [0.34 MB]
4 Packages to update
Last edited by na12 (2009-01-21 13:02:54)
it works now,but what is this ${goto 160}
[12:44:24 ~]$ sh ~/Desktop/
iproute-2.6.26-1 ${goto 160} [1.28 MB]
iproute2-2.6.28-1 ${goto 160} [0.48 MB]
kernel26- ${goto 160} [28.49 MB]
syslog-ng-2.1.3-2 ${goto 160} libarchive-2.6.1-1 [0.34 MB]
4 Packages to update
That is for conky parsing, as this script is intended to be run from conky. put
${execpi 900 sh <PATH TO>}
in your conkyrc. if you want to use this script for something else then conky you can remove the goto in the configuration part if the script
I descovered a bug,this is my pacman output:
[14:20:13 ~]$ pacman -Qu
Checking for package upgrades...
Remove (1): iproute-2.6.26-1 [1.28 MB]
Total Removed Size: 1.28 MB
Targets (4): iproute2-2.6.28-1 [0.48 MB] kernel26- [28.49 MB]
libarchive-2.6.1-1 [0.34 MB] syslog-ng-2.1.3-2 [0.18 MB]
Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
Total Installed Size: 108.27 MB
It can't output that some files has to be removed
[12:44:24 ~]$ sh ~/Desktop/
iproute-2.6.26-1 ${goto 160} [1.28 MB]
iproute2-2.6.28-1 ${goto 160} [0.48 MB]
kernel26- ${goto 160} [28.49 MB]
syslog-ng-2.1.3-2 ${goto 160} libarchive-2.6.1-1 [0.34 MB]
4 Packages to update
I descovered a bug,this is my pacman output: (...)
Thank you for reporting it, replace the old script with this
I haven't been able to test it as I already had updated everything when you reported it, but it should work. I'll change the script in the original post when I know it does.
Edit, There was another bug introduced in this fix but it's solved and the original post is updated with a hopefully bug free version
Last edited by novus (2009-01-22 09:59:00)
not work again,it show 5 packages,but there is 8
[11:30:46 ~]$ sh /home/dany/OperaDownloads/
banshee-1.4.2-2 ${goto 160} [2.63 MB]
bash-3.2.048-2 ${goto 160} [0.54 MB]
curl-7.19.3-1 ${goto 160} brasero-0.9.1-1 [2.81 MB]
qt-4.4.3-5 ${goto 160} [0.53 MB]
terminator-0.12-1 ${goto 160} db-4.7.25-2 [4.27 MB]
5 Packages to update
[11:31:39 ~]$ pacman -Qu
Checking for package upgrades...
Targets (8): banshee-1.4.2-2 [2.63 MB] bash-3.2.048-2 [0.54 MB]
brasero-0.9.1-1 [2.81 MB] curl-7.19.3-1 [0.53 MB]
db-4.7.25-2 [4.27 MB] qt-4.4.3-5 [19.20 MB] rrdtool-1.3.6-1 [0.96 MB]
terminator-0.12-1 [0.16 MB]
Total Download Size: 0.00 MB
Total Installed Size: 99.65 MB
Last edited by na12 (2009-01-22 10:39:16)
not work again,it show 5 packages,but there is 8
Are you really using the latest script that's in the first post? I noticed that same bug this morning but it's supposed to be fixed, and I'v tested it with your output and it works for me.
now work perfectly,sorry i used previous script,I didn't saw that you put new
P.S. one suggestion,maybe it will be better use ${alignr} instead of ${goto 160}
Last edited by na12 (2009-01-22 12:26:50)
Do I need dcron or something for this to work? Just asking.