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After ffmpeg upgrade, dvdstyler gives this error on startup in terminal:
dvdstyler: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Attempting to rebuild dvdstyler gives this error:
make[2]: *** [mediatrc_ffmpeg.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/abs-dvdstyler/src/DVDStyler-1.7.0/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/tmp/yaourt-tmp-root/abs-dvdstyler/src/DVDStyler-1.7.0/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
==> ERROR: Build Failed.
Last edited by xaiviax (2009-02-01 01:18:50)
There are newer versions of dvdstyler than 1.7.0. You may want to try to build one and see if the problem persists.
This is now solved for me and not really a testing issue any more, but for those that search and find this, hopefully the following helps.
Building dvdstyler 1.71 and 1.72beta4 also failed, albeit with different errors. Seen that wxsvg (dependency) was also horribly out of date, so updated and rebuilt using abs. That did not help. Searched upstream forums and bug trackers, found someone with Debian was reporting a similar problem, and was told that 1.72b4_1 fixed his issue, so I took the following steps:
Upgraded ffmpeg to ffmpeg-svn and x264 to x264-git. This required mplayer to be rebuilt, done. (Not sure if these upgrades are required or not, but they work great for me, so...)
Then using abs and the following source: … 2?download
used this package build to update wxsvg: (sed lines removed as they are no longer applicable to current ffmpeg)
pkgdesc="C++ library to create, manipulate and render SVG files"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('wxgtk' 'libart-lgpl' 'ffmpeg')
build() {
cd "$srcdir/wxsvg-$pkgver"
./ || return 1
./configure --prefix=/usr || return 1
make || return 1
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1
install -D -m644 COPYING "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/wxsvg/COPYING" || return 1
Then using abs and this source: … 2?download
used this package build to update dvdstyler: (eliminated mjpegtools from dependencies)
pkgdesc="Cross-platform DVD authoring application"
arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
depends=('wxsvg' 'libexif' 'dvdauthor' 'cdrkit' 'dvd+rw-tools')
optdepends=('xine-ui: DVD preview support'
'dvdisaster: ECC support')
build() {
cd "$srcdir/DVDStyler-$pkgver"
./ || return 1
./configure --prefix=/usr || return 1
make || return 1
make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install || return 1
And it works! (even better than before )
I could whine and cry about outdated packages and whatnot, but in reality, I switched to Arch to be able to understand and fix issues like this for myself, and that's exactly what I got here. Thanks to all the Arch developers and forum moderators and all the users who come to everyone's aid all the time. And thanks to above package maintainer, who without the initial package builds, this would of been that much more difficult.
Arch is the greatest...
Update: New computer, current regular ffmpeg, x264, same issues. Above sources and PKGBUILDs work
nice work xaiviax,
but it would be more useful if you'd post the PKGBUILDs directly on the AUR sites.
nice work xaiviax,
but it would be more useful if you'd post the PKGBUILDs directly on the AUR sites.vlad
Thanks, did so (added the md5sums), and emailed the maintainer.