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I'm doing my first arch install, I've been using Ubuntu for a while, but I don't like all the extra stuff that comes embedded and after reading some oppinions on different forums I decided to try arch because I was led to believe it's very customizable, has new stuff in the repos (as opposed to ubuntu which has py2.5, old pidgin, etc) and works great.
So I decided to install it on my laptop, Core2Duo with GF8600.
Everything is fine so far, I like how it feels and runs, but I can't get the damned fonts to look good in X.
First few installs I did and broke.
Then I turned to the arch wiki for guidelines. This didn't work either.
Then I followed the wikis step by step: … _font_path
I've also tried linking the 10-{hinting, lcd-subpixel-rgb}.confs from fonts/conf.avail, 0 change.
The closest I got was when I installed the artwiz and ms-ttf-fonts packages, but this made my Monospace font look horrible, and the rest of them didn't look too great either.
Funny thing was that before I installed these packages whenever I couldn't get hinting to work at all, when I opened the gnome appearance menu and changed the hinging and smoothing styles, nothing happened. Now it moves from horrible to degrees of bad.
I've tried starting from X configs generated by hwd and nvidia-xsetup. Also tried a lot of other stuff I can't recall now.
Ubuntu works out of the box on every computer I've tried, so I guess there are some simple rules to follow.
Is there not a tutorial that get's you going on this (imho vital) stuff?
Welcome to the forums.
Did you see this thread? It may be more of the same stuff that you've read, but it's worth a look:
Yep, seen that, didnt help
What about the "alternative minimalist approach" described in this wiki page? That's what I do, and it works for me. The fonts are all antialiased, and you only need one serif, one sans-serif, and one monospaced font.
pacman -Sy ttf-bitstream-vera
I've always had ugly fonts, I use that... and restart(maybe an X restart would work but I don't know).
Works great, and I've never used Arch without it.
I'm not sure why but after installing ttf-bitstream-vera it works :-z
anyway now I have this problem:
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