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this is merely a sneaking suspicion of a problem:
today i installed bogomipz' patched initscripts with pacman -U and it overwrote my rc.conf, local.conf etc - it backed them up ok but i had to move the pacsaves back.
Why? When i upgrade initscripts it works fine - is this because i have used -S?
what's more i have this in pacman.conf:
NoUpgrade = etc/rc.conf etc/rc.local
so i am fairly certain no package should touch them AT ALL!
Am I wrong?
ah - is it because the -U removes initscripts in it's entirety before installing the new one? this is behaviour still seems a bit dnagerous!
it's Pacmans default behaviour,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
it's pacman's default behaviour to replace files that you have xplicitily stated should not be replaced?
no, wrong of me,
strange, this has never happen to me,
arch + gentoo + initng + python = enlisy
It happens, its a libs thing.....
Mr Green I like Landuke!
Mr. Green fixed his password!
It happens? That's comforting! :shock:
password ?
Mr Green I like Landuke!
this still happens esp if i upgarde initscripts - try upgrading and then reverting with -U and see how you lose all your config files! it's great!